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25 contributions to Creation
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
Writing copy sucks. It either: 1. Takes forever. 2. Doesn't convert like you want, or ... 3. All of the above. And that's why I made the Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. It has FIVE brand-new A.I. bots that work together like a well-oiled machine to write your sales letter FOR you. ...In a single session. And in ...ONE DAY. It can even read your courses, books, existing copy, or whatever ...and then LEARN everything cool about your stuff ...and then write the sales letter about THAT. Just like a professional copywriter would do ...except without the $25,000 fee. After I made the system, I filmed a training for all my RainMakerAI users ...showing them how to use it. And in the training you'll literally look over my shoulder as I use these exact same bots to write a complete sales letter from scratch, all in one sitting. Like ...from blank page to kick-ass sales letter right there in front of you. I use this stuff ALL THE TIME now ... Because if you think about it ...the only thing that really stands in our way when it comes to selling stuff is the COPY. And if we have MORE offers and MORE sales letters, emails, content, etc ... We should make MORE dineros. But the problem has always been ...actually writing this stuff. Not anymore. I've made the training available in the classroom section for a HUGE discount. It's never been released except to people who are RainMakerAI insiders. It's at the top of the page (in the middle) here:
New comment 9d ago
Same-Day Sales Letter A.I. Now Available
2 likes • Jun 26
@Jan Daudi ok that's what I suspected but got a bit confused yes it is very possible to do this in a few hours strangely enough I like the first general bot best although Frank thinks all of them have better results. I run a small A/B test among a group of people who know me well showing them both sales letter and they all thought the elaborate one was .. too salesy .. so I think you have to adjust to your known audience, I am also known for cutting through BS and going straight to the point, so they did not like the long list of bullet points .. I guess it works better for cold audience though - not sure yet - not enough data to form an opinion - like everything not one size fits all and whilst it does a lot of the heavy lifting and is fantastic for this, you still have to put your own mark on it .
1 like • Jun 27
@Frank Kern You are so prolific that one really needs to keep an eye on you ! 🤣
Workbooks for Your Next Million
I collected these awesome lessons and workbooks from Frank Kern's podcast. I'm not sure if you can find these anywhere nowadays so here are the links to the original episodes and the workbook PDFs: Your Best Payday Your Best Buyer Your Best Bait Your Best Process Your Decision-Making Process Frank always demonstrates he can help you by actually helping you in advance of asking for money. These foundational lessons and workbooks are golden nuggets of wisdom. So much value in these.
New comment Jul 6
1 like • Jun 26
The gem among gems, imho, is the last one #5 as it can be applied to about any situation in your life not just your business. Go open it now and tell yourself how this workd for your situation , today , whatever it is .. bet you it's spot on .. Why ? because it's freakin universal .
I posted this in the RM Group and we already had some very useful times !
I've got an awesome Zoom call series - as in Sprints - lined up for you- revamped and improved ! and I'm inviting you to join us for FREE! 😊 First, check out this video that gave you all the details: It'll give you a good idea of what we're doing on these calls. 📹 BUT ! Because I am lazy ( and rather busy) I have not remade the video with the new timing and conditions which are outlined below : ) So, here's the scoop: * We're going to focus on a clear outcome to achieve in this shared sprint times every Monday to Thursday from 9:30-11:30 AM PDT. Instead of the previous timing still in the video ! So more of them too … * These 2 hours long sessions are free for members of our groups (RM and other courses from Frank), but you've got to sign up and join before the end of April. I have run this for the past month and we had some unexpected and really cool extra results ( sharing tips and tools we would not have known about otherwise !) and from May 1st I will be merging these working calls with my other tribe . So, what are you waiting for? Grab your spot now and let's make the most of these sessions! Here is the Link again See you on the calls! Best regards, Liane PS: Some people originally were worried that 2 hours to focus was too long ! Well news is that it did not turn out to be the case and in fact everyone was surprised when break time came because working in a group totally changes your outlook on what is going on around you .. Don't take my word for it PPS: Could now it's 4 times a week be used as a support to work together towards great use/ work on RM and / or SANDOR for those playing in that league ..
New comment Apr 27
My funnel is getting ATTACKED by bots! Help please
I recently had a bunch of bots attempting to buy my products using what seem to be stolen credit cards Most of the transactions have been declined, but some others have been successful Do you think they're planning a massive chargeback or using stolen cards to break our payment processor and get us banned? More details here
New comment May 23
My funnel is getting ATTACKED by bots! Help please
2 likes • Mar 18
who is your merchant account ? Stripe? get in touch with them and ask them to help you id the fraudulent transactions. is it possible to move the trial onto a different funnel with a different name/ subdomain and close this one for now?
What Spending $2.4M Over The Past 90 Days Taught Us About Meta Social Media Ads.
Right now we're managing close to $820k/mo in ad spend for high-ticket coaches, consultants and info publishers. And we have a lot of insights on what's working, what's not working, what you should do and what you should avoid. So I wanted to share some of these insights so that you can apply them to your Meta ad campaigns and get better results. 1 - VIDEO ADS WORK BETTER FOR TOP OF FUNNEL AND EDUCATION Video ads are the way to go to attract new audiences, engage them, help them and get them to like, trust and know you. Especially for high-ticket coaches and educators, that are selling products and services that require some education upfront. Additionally, we NEED to build their trust and authority in the marketplace, so that they can charge premium prices on the back-end. One of the things that I love about video ads on the front-end is that you can really see who engaged with these ads. For example, you can grab whoever watched 75% or more of these ads and put them into a custom audience for later retargeting. Also, video ads get more placements than image ads, which make them really good for top of funnel assets. 2 - IMAGE ADS WORK BETTER FOR RETARGETING, QUICK ACTIONS AND CREATIVE TESTING. Once people consume your video, it's a good idea to stay top of mind with image ads. Right now, they're working better for retargeting. Additionally, when you're launching a campaign from scratch, you can use images for creative testing with Dynamic ads. Image ads (generally speaking) are easier to put together and video ads, so they allow you to launch and test quicker. 3 - BRANDING CAMPAIGNS "ALLA FRANK" ARE A MUST This approach to video first allows us to run branding ads for our clients with campaign objectives such as engagement, awareness and reach. Remember: We're selling something expensive to strangers, so we want to position our expert as THE solution in their marketplace. Then we can build audiences of highly engaged people, engages, clickers, visitors, etc.
New comment May 23
What Spending $2.4M Over The Past 90 Days Taught Us About Meta Social Media Ads.
3 likes • Mar 16
Funny to stumble on your thread right now. Just completed the rainmaker certification training from Frank and was standing in front of my tablet playing with options with how to create IBB from scratch with the video ads he speaks about. Are you starting with a site that would be a multi funnel option like his to pick up the leads coming to check you out on it from ads? We noticed on a ridiculously short and minute fb ads foray people coming to the site. Except Dumbo here hadn’t set up any retargeting yet and I have no tracking in place either so that were my thoughts to play around with this w/e . See my other post to yours @Hernan Vazquez
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Liane Montagne
326points to level up
Consults established companies to uncover, activate unseen resources to raise bottom lines and attractiveness to both clients and human resources.

Active 5h ago
Joined Apr 17, 2023
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