Bio: Pilot, Consultant, Tax Reduction Specialist. Also a Managing Director with Redwood Tax Specialists. Helping clients keep more of their hard earned $.
Bio: I'm an oarsman and I sail. The best therapy is being on the water. I also enjoy serving and be part of communities who commit to being better humans.
Bio: Clinical Laboratory Scientist from California. Goal: to be independent from the system. Book: "In Search of the Miraculous", "The Neverending Story".
Bio: I'm a good person looking to do great things.
I want to become the best me I can be.
I want to heal, empower and enrich the lives of everyone I meet.
Bio: 30+ years starting, financing, advising, and developing energy, agriculture, and tech ventures. Co-Founder & CTO of Empire State Greenhouses. Rancher.
Bio: I believe in tradition, honor, and heroes. I see life as a service, and my way of serving is teaching people to defend themselves and protect others.