Bio: Product designer, educator, entrepreneur. Love to spend time in the garden with my cattledog shepherd, my wolfdog shepherd, and my lazy old black cat.
Bio: A human being who is improving daily to better myself and others, to be a decent person, sharing inspiration through music education and creation.✌️♥️
Bio: Sara Watson MSN,MBA, RN who also is a Mom, Founder, Published, Mentor, Now a brand new Youtuber & Podcaster Basicly a lifelong learner, Lets connect
Bio: Hi everyone,I’ve been following Chris for a while now and I know this is the right place to get my ass moving and stop living in my head.Excited💡✍️😉
Bio: Eye’m a Spiritual Consultant, Eclectic Practitioner and Cert. Reiki Master. Check me out on IG(DM for private consults)and YouTube @elev8tedspirits.
Bio: I Manifested My Maserati in exactly 30 days by using the Law of Attraction. (With no money and owning money to creditors). If I could do it so can You
Bio: Hi I’m Tina and It’s all about my Pets, Crystals, and being on the Beach. I’m navigating the online world, to share cool crystals and my creations🫶
Bio: I've been an entrepreneur for the past 19 years. Through my work I support businesses with marketing strategy, online presence, and company expansion.