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InvestCEO with Kyle Henris

Public • 14.1k • Free

5 contributions to InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
Let me know if you want on the interest list 👍
This is for some of you InvestCEO fam 🫡 Hope you’re loving all of the free course info and it’s helping you learn how to do this on your own! When you joined I mentioned that for some of you, you may eventually decide that you want all or some of this done completely for you, and that I can help with that. I’ll be able to open up more of those opportunities after Labor Day and if you’re interested in that kind of thing just comment below and my brother Ryan or I will get you more info shortly. This is not for everyone, and obviously there is a cost to this because it’s impossible for me to automate your day trading for free. (Spoilers - as you’ve come to expect here I think you’ll be blown away at how fair I’m trying to make it 😉. This also isn’t a commitment, just for you to express interest so we can get you more info as these spots are always a first come, first served kind of thing. So comment below if you’d like the info and to be added to the interest list. In the meantime, keep learning and growing! You can do this 💪
New comment 6d ago
Let me know if you want on the interest list 👍
1 like • 23d
Me! 🤚
BTC futures?
Sorry if this has been discussed before. Does anyone have an issue trying to trade Bitcoin futures? My orders keep getting rejected.
New comment 25d ago
0 likes • 25d
Tradovate. Trying to answer your questions appears to have led me to an answer. I tried moving from August contract to September and now it works. Thank you!
0 likes • 25d
With futures, I can trade micro contracts.
First Payout Seems Surreal
Today I hit my personal profit goal on my first PA and was able to request a payout. I'm still kindof stunned about all of it. I joined this group on May 5 and was immediately sucked into the material Kyle provides. My experience with trading was almost zero. I've messed around with Robinhood in the past and I've had my hand in crypto for a while... but nothing like this. My instinct when joining was to expect some sort of catch, but I couldn't find any. Once I understood how funded accounts worked I was fascinated and wanted to see if I had what it takes to be a trader. Luckily and unluckily for me, the place I worked at had been shut down. I received a modest severance and was able to support myself through odd jobs while I absorbed everything I could about trading. I jumped right in and started practicing. It wasn't long until I attempted my first EA. I was incredibly nervous but did my absolute best and was able to pass. Not long after, I was doing another one. Despite a few hiccups and a discount reset or two, I had a second PA. Now I'm working on my third EA. I didn't think this would all be easy, but I didn't expect certain aspects of it to be so hard. The fear of missing out on a trade, the fear of taking one after a loss, the trade chasing, and the revenge trading. I've had to really work on myself to become better at this. I've done Jiu Jitsu for over 5 years and one thing you learn is to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Sometimes taking a trade makes me more uncomfortable then stepping on the mats at a competition. I'm really glad I stuck it out. I'm finally starting to be comfortable and confident in my strategy. This week I got my first PA over $54,000 and requested a $1000 payout. I'm looking forward to the months to come and I'm so grateful for Kyle, Ryan, the coaches, and everybody who contributes here. I'm aiming to have 5 PAs by the end of the year and be routinely receiving payouts on them. I apologize if this was a little long winded but I am fired up.
New comment 16d ago
First Payout Seems Surreal
5 likes • Aug 17
Thank you! Especially for sharing that even with the success you've had that you still had to struggle through all the things I am currently trying to work through. The self-discipline is definitely the hardest part! Congratulations to you!
Can I please get more information on the 100 days of freedom.
New comment Aug 14
0 likes • Aug 14
Hi, Ryan. Would you mind tagging me as well? Thank you!
Do you want this?
Hey crew, I recorded a training I put together on simplifying Superman setups. If you want access just comment "Superman" below and my brother @Ryan Henris will send it to ya asap!
New comment 5h ago
Do you want this?
1 like • Jul 3
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Liane T
11points to level up
I am a 50-something with almost-grown kids trying to figure out what to do with the next phase of my life.

Active 2d ago
Joined Jun 30, 2024
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