I’ve followed a checklist suggested by Coreycha Rules of third ✅ Removed the natural colors by adding filter✅ Make sure people aren’t in the background ✅ Scarce resources - travel ✅ Looked away from the camera - ✅ Maintain a neutral stoic face - ✅ Told a story by my posture and position of where I’m looking, as well as the objects in my hand - ✅ Remained mysterious - ❓Not sure on that one (I got a cigar on my hand, but I never smoked) Message the picture is telling - I’m facing shit but kept my calm) Trying to get to step 2 quickly as I can Also tried to replicate this photo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJEr2BGg-2V/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=