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27 contributions to Ascension Adventures
Manifestation Monday - The Hidden Keys to Success
We share true keys to success, which are so simple that they are often overlooked. Tune in to discover and begin to implement them immediately.
New comment 7h ago
Manifestation Monday - The Hidden Keys to Success
From Woo-Woo to Woo-Hoo !!!
The Power of Spiril Mastery for Your Life and Business For years, spirituality was often dismissed as "woo-woo", an abstract or mystical concept that had no place in the "real world." But today, more and more people are realizing that what was once considered nonsense is the basis of personal success, business growth, and world-changing innovations. Think about it: Every idea, invention, or great business was born in the mind before it became reality. The mind is not just a physical processor, it's a gateway to something much deeper and more powerful. It's time to embrace the power of spiritual mastery and recognize how it can create tangible results in every aspect of life. The Power of Spiritual Connection Here’s a simple truth: When you connect with something spiritually, you align yourself with its essence. That connection creates a ripple effect that begins in the unseen, spiritual world and influences the physical reality you experience. Proof of Spiritual Power: 1: Knowing a thing spiritually involves deeply connecting with its essence. 2: What you deeply connect with deeply and persist in the feeling of, manifests in the physical world. Therefore, knowing a thing spiritually/deeply and persisting in that connection leads to its physical expression. Why Does This Matter for Your Business, Relationships, and Growth? Imagine your business thriving because you’re not just following surface-level strategies but have mastered and implemented your Spiritual values and the spiritual principles that attract abundance and opportunity. Or think about how your relationships can transform when you approach them from a place of deep inner connection and alignment with your true self. In today’s world, mastering the mind and spirit isn’t optional. It’s a necessity if you want to create a life and business that reflect your highest potential. Actualize Your Power Ready to move beyond wishful thinking and start manifesting real results? Type "Actualize" below to find out more about our upcoming mastermind.
From Woo-Woo to Woo-Hoo !!!
How to Align Your Spiritual Purpose with Financial Success
Join us as we dive deep into how you can align your spiritual purpose with financial success. Discover powerful mindset shifts, actionable business strategies, and real-life success stories that inspire and empower you to manifest prosperity without compromising your values. #WorkLifeBalance #SelfCareRoutine #MindfulLiving #MentalClarity #PeaceOfMind #StressFreeLife #MindfulMoments
How to Align Your Spiritual Purpose with Financial Success
Tina's Journey to Greatness
Tina stood at the edge of the stage, her pulse thrumming with anticipation. The auditorium was packed, every seat filled with eager faces, and as she gripped the microphone, she marveled at how far she had come. But as she began to speak, her mind drifted back to a time when this moment seemed impossible when her future felt as uncertain as the wind. At twenty-five, Tina had been lost. She had earned her degree, yet the world beyond college seemed cold and uninviting. Despite her passion for social justice, every door she knocked on remained stubbornly closed. She wanted to be a voice for her community, to challenge the systemic inequalities she had grown up with, but doubt weighed heavily on her. How could someone like her, from such a marginalized background, ever make a real difference? It was during this period of uncertainty that she met Shay. Shay was a powerhouse in social advocacy, brilliant, unapologetically fierce, and unafraid to speak truth to power. Tina first encountered her at a local seminar, where Shay was the keynote speaker. After her electrifying talk, Tina had approached her, not expecting more than a polite exchange. Instead, Shay saw something in Tina that she hadn’t yet seen in herself. “Come to my office tomorrow,” Shay had said, handing her a card. “I think we need to talk.” That meeting changed everything. Over the following months, Shay became Tina’s mentor, her guide through the maze of advocacy work. She didn’t just offer advice; she tore down the walls of self-doubt that Tina had built around herself. “You have a voice, Tina,” Shay would say, her tone both firm and encouraging. “And it’s time you start using it.” Shay pushed Tina to see beyond her fears, to recognize that her background wasn’t a limitation, but a powerful tool. She taught her how to navigate complex systems, how to strategize, and how to turn her passion into tangible action, but more than that, she taught Tina to believe in herself, to understand that the world needed her perspective, her drive, her story.
Tina's Journey to Greatness
"In the eye of the storm, who stays calm and collected?
Type 'YES' if you see the value in mastering the art of calmness amidst chaos. 🌪️ Let's navigate the storm together with unshakable peace!"
New comment 12d ago
"In the eye of the storm, who stays calm and collected?
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King Gabriel Collymore
6points to level up
I'm a Spiritual Teacher and Practitioner and Love helping Others to Thrive in Life🌞💛

Active 16h ago
Joined Jul 9, 2024
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