Here’s how to stop getting rejected every time (and start closing more). The majority of salespeople approach cold-calling the same way: “Hey, this is [Your Name] with [XYZ Company], and the reason I called you was…” If you use this approach, you’ll sound like everyone else, so you’ll be treated like everyone else—with “We’re not interested” followed by the prospect hanging up. Instead, your opening line should trigger curiosity: “Hey is this John? Yeah, it’s just Kiel Couturier with ABC Company. I was wondering if you could possibly help me out for a moment…” (Slow the pace.) But still be Enthusiastic as hell, sharp as a tack, and a figure of authority. Then follow with this: “I’m not sure if you’re the person I should be talking to, but I called to see who would be responsible in your company for looking at any possible hidden gaps that could be causing you to [negative consequence].” This is just a quick example to show you that cold-calling works—if you do it the right way.