Bio: AI Executive in Residence for Goldhirsh Foundation, former English professor for 16 yrs, founded the nonprofit Employ California, triathlete, reader.
Bio: I am submerging myself in AI because love the technology! I worked as a tools & process analyst and now work in data. Goal is to be an AI Advisor!
Bio: Trusted Security Advisor specializing in penetration testing, vulnerability management, and infosec. 25+ years experience in IT and cybersecurity.
Bio: I am a recovering chef/pastry chef who is now loving life as a director of a nonprofit. My career goal is to be a public speaker in topics such as AI.
Bio: Wellness advocate, seasoned entrepreneur, and mindful living enthusiast. Dedicated to empowering others through holistic and sustainable practices.
Bio: I am a polymath and I like learning about different things. This is one of the latest topics I have picked and I'd like to have a deep dive into it!