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Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies

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9 contributions to Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies
MMS Information for Newbies
Felt God's calling to share this information that we have gathered together to provide to those wanting to know more information about MMS. Pray God is directing your path. Quantum Leap full documentary on Jim Humble’s discovery of MMS Understanding MMS with Jim Humble What is MMS In 1996 a man named Jim Humble discovered that a simple water purification substance (which at the time was used worldwide) was Lindsey Wagners Testimony The Red Cross Cured 154 cases with MMS MMS Testimonies (over a million success stories) Chlorine Dioxide Chats: Dr. Andrea Kalcher converted MMS to CDS Where to buy Jim Humble’s Books
New comment 2d ago
Healing with DMSO. Excellent book to teach you about DMSO. See attached.
This is what I give others locally and felt this calling from God. we've learned to listen to God's messages more and more. Maybe that is because we are expelling those parasites aka demons and we now can hear Him more. We felt it should be more organized and this platform is nicer than telegram. Categorized things to help especially those wanting more information.
Paris Humble Concerns (?)
Paris Humble is the daughter of Jim Humble. She has continued her father's legacy and sell all the products on her website including her insight and additional information. Does anyone know about her and if she had the same standards and values as her father? Checking to see if there is any concerns with her.
New comment 5d ago
We can't do anything without God and that is the way God made us. He wants us to depend upon Him. When we try to figure it out on our own, that is where we always get in trouble and God will try to correct us but if we don't listen to Him or turn to Him for guidance He lets us do it on our own and that is why we are in the mess we are today. As American's God gave us the right to chose but we are so lazy we don't take the time to research things and just pick any old politician or don't try to understand the question and answer it wrong and learn afterwards. We all need to take responsibility and ALWAYS put God first. Then He will guide our paths for us. His ways are ALWAYS better than our ways. We learned the hard way and now if we could go back and live our lives differently we would. It's the same for MMS. Jim Humble was right with God and look what God did for him, I believe God was pleased with Jim Humble because he didn't try to get rich on the gift God gave him. All Jim wanted to do was to help people, that is a true follower of Jesus Christ.
Cancer is actually a microparasite but they would rather charge for chemo and pricey surgery milking ppl dry of their life savings as they die. Any dissenting voices are not published or promoted. Here are tumor samples all showing microparasites. Links
Just when I'm getting to the point of being tired of this two month long detox I have to keep going in light of this grouping from today. I am not finished or they're not finished with me!!! These are interesting parasites some I've seen before and some I haven't but I'm getting a lot of weird shape jelly like orange Brown tiny Tootsie roll looking pieces and then I'm getting these translucents maybe biogel covering up parasite and I had these skinny red parasites that I'm passing several of and along with these other tiny gel looking parasites if you get a good look you'll see some spikes hanging on the top of the head of a couple of these! If anybody can identify any of these strange looking parasites let me know. Thx, Lee
New comment 6d ago
Curious Do you do the protocol all the time or during the full moon with the myrrh? I was reading that they put parasites deliberately into vaccines for years so imagine your body and so many are riddled with it. I found Jim Humbles daughter writing about MMS and having a website that actually sells all the stuff. Never knew he had children. She is the one that said do protocol 1000 plus but instead of 9 drops of DMSO do 1 tsp to kill parasites. We've been doing that but also learned you cannot pre-make it with the DMSO in it as it is written in Jim Humbles book that the DMSO will begin loose it's effect after 1 minute and then after 6 hours it will have no effect. We saw our tumors shrink for the first time when we did the 1 tsp of DMSO instead of the 9 drops. They have shrunk 70%+. It's also the same protocol for detoxing parasites and we have read and watch numerous videos saying tumors are parasites. Blown away it's actually working. So glad we elected to decline traditional surgery.
There are No Coincidences
I live in Georgia and thankfully not very close to Conyers where a biolab had an explosion and huge fire. In listening to news about it, they produce spa and pool chemicals. If I was a betting person, I'd say they are destroying components for making MMS & CDS. What you think?
New comment 19d ago
I've heard about those chemical plants being deliberated exploited. The toxic chemicals in the air and all the weather manipulations around you in North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida, no coincidence. They can control the wind and force those chemicals into areas that want to kill or make people sick. We are at war. We kept a running record of all the train wrecks, chicken plants that mysteriously caught fire, cows dying, etc. Over 400+, too many to be a coincidence.
For those that want to know more take a look at these links. A gift from God, Mathew 13:16. Details of HARRP weather manipulation on Hurricane Helene, proof. These domes are EXACTLY what Oklahoma has all over. We always questioned what they were and now we know. It's not normal to get 22 tornados at the same time and always happening near these domes. Did ABC News just admit live on air that the government has been manipulating WEATHER??? "We’ve been manipulating weather for a very long time. We’ve been doing this since the 1940s.” State Representatives and Senators in North Carolina were Briefed on weather Modification Technology and have Come to the Realization, THIS WAS NOT a Natural Event • “They’re trying to digest the fact that their states were literally under assault from weather modification operations that are clearly connected to the DoD operations…” • we know that technology to stop these rotations from even occuring has existed for decades with the manipulation of atmospheric pressure zones HAARP in Alaska is an ionosphere heater, a Weapon of Mass-Destruction! —— “When they have this kind of power over the climate system, they can make or break these storms anytime they want.” One example as of proof… the oil infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico always seems to never get hit with any damaging storms.
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Kenneth and Linda Keel
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Followers of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

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Joined Oct 2, 2024
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