God desires you to be free more than you want it
Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." It was and is the very mission of Christ. For you to be free in every way. Money freedom is definitely on the list. It helps me to know that The Creator desires this for me and it's not just my own idea. To be financially free means you don't spend all your time thinking about it. But guess what happens when you are broke? It's all you think about. Just like when you are sick it's all you can think about. If you are broke you have the power to do something about it. God has given you the power to create it. By setting others free you set yourself free. Get help if you need it but do whatever you gotta do to make it happen. Your family needs you to be free from the constant stress of never having enough. It's sure as shit not easy if it were everyone would be rich. Sometimes it feels like you've tried everything and you let that defeat set in. Kick that shit in the face. It's easier now more than ever to create financial freedom. You can create content, have conversations in the DM's, and provide a service or coach someone to help them achieve a result. You don't have to cold call, door knock, or go to networking events if you don't want to. You don't have to take out massive loans to get started. The economic conditions are in your favor. Stay focused. Get shit done. Get help if you need it. It's the smartest path to success. Why fumble around trying do figure it all out yourself. That's called arrogance. Every venture I've embarked on I've hired someone that's built what I wanna build. That's served me well. And I never had the money lol. 0% interest credit cards for the win.