Podcast Transcripts 👉 LinkedIn Slide Deck
I’m trying to figure out how/where I should leverage AI (and which tools would work best) for a specific LinkedIn content idea. I have 50+ podcast episodes where I asked a repeat set of 5 rapid fire questions. One of those was about the guest’s top book recommendation. There are use cases for analyzing the responses from the other 4 questions & creating content from them too, but the lowest hanging fruit is to create a list of all the book recommendations first. Ideally, I’d like to create a slide deck for LinkedIn like the one linked below. I’d want to have the book title, the guest’s name/title/photo, and a quote from the guest about the reason for their reco. To turn this into a lead magnet (in addition to the zero click content version for LinkedIn), I’d also want a version (maybe a simpler G Doc or Sheet) that has links to each book on Amazon (with that added convenience giving people a reason to download the gated version). Would love advice on tools to use to analyze, write the content and possibly design the deck (though I could hand that part off to a low-cost Ficerr designer with instructions from AI tool). I don’t think Castmagic can get the details. I already have each episode transcribed so that step is complete already. Here’s the example of what I’m aiming for: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/josue-valles_70-leaders-share-the-book-that-transformed-activity-7248022360128159746-BeCl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios