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Sprouht Community

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8 contributions to Sprouht Community
What does FREEDOM mean to you?
We're all here because we want a little more freedom and a little more fulfillment. What does that look like for you?
New comment Jul 10
0 likes • Jun 25
For me, freedom is being able to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, what to consume, what to be exposed to, how to behave and all the choices we can have without being affected by external stimuli (aka people and society) and, of course, without hurting anyone. It also means to become aware of our inner stimuli (desires, beliefs, values, etc) and act according to them, or even change them if they are keeping us stuck; many times, those beliefs are imposed, and we don't even question them.
2 likes • Jun 18
I'm 35 and it feels great. All the knowledge and experiences I've been through have helped me be where I am. I feel grateful for what I've lived, good and bad. At this age I feel like I am ready to channel something great. I realize that I am the person with the most energy and curiosity in my social circle, even though my friends are a bit younger than me; it surely means I need to find people who match my energy so I don't have to "slow down" to prevent others from being left behind. It seems to me that many people are numb to life from a very young age, and take it all for granted.
Are You Satisfied With Your Career? Why or Why Not?
It seems like a common thread between most people here is the desire for a more fulfilling career. How's your career life? Are you satisfied with your current situation? Take some time to reflect. And what's the BIG DREAM that you would love to create for yourself? Most people will never take time to dream... so I invite you to do that here!
New comment Jul 4
0 likes • Jun 15
I am quite satisfied, yes. I am a linguist, and I have always had a knack for languages and linguistics (I am very analytical, and I find patterns easily and use them to learn languages without too much effort). I would like to enhance it, though. I plan to learn a bit of coding and Natural Language Processing to start working on that field. I've been a freelancer for over a decade now, and I know I can get more income if I develop more skills. It feels great when your passion, hobby and talent are your job too. <3
For When You Lack Direction in Your Life...
"I feel like I have no sense of direction." "I don't know what I want." "I just feel lost." This is one of the most common things I hear from people. Unfortunately, many people will feel like that their entire lives. Why? Because they never sit down and clearly define what they want out of their lives. And the crazy part is that this process is actually very simple. I want to share two exercises with you here. The first is called self-authoring. In this exercise, you write your own story. You clarify where you came from, where you are now, and where you wish to go in the future. This is one of the most direct ways we can move from REACTING to life, to CREATING our lives. Go through that exercise here. The second is discovering your Ikigai. Your Ikigai is the intersection between: - What you love - What you're good at - What the world needs - What you can be paid for This is essentially your life's purpose, and when you discover it, life gets a whole lot clearer. Access that exercise here. These exercises are taken directly from module 1.2 and 1.3 in the Freedom Fundamentals course which you can find in the 'Classroom' section here on Skool. If you could use some clarity, I invite you to check them out!
New comment Jun 11
1 like • Jun 5
I am going through the course these days. It's nice to actually reflect and "dispel the fog" and see what's been hiding beneath it all this time. A bit scary too, though.
0 likes • Jun 11
@William Rossy I have found that I am not that lost, and that I have the tools to improve every aspect of my life, which I have been doing quite recently and I'm proud of it (and myself). My epiphany was that, even though I have always loved and excelled at languages, I never looked at that as part of my purpose in life. So my hobby, talent and passion IS an important part of my purpose. I just need to operationalize it.🧑🏻‍💻🤑
What's Your Biggest Struggle / Roadblock Right Now?
Curious to learn about you!
36 members have voted
New comment Jun 18
2 likes • Jun 11
I chose clarity on my purpose, but I think I am almost there. My second struggle is community/accountability. I have friends, but their mindset is like "I have a job, I should stay in the safe zone forever". Although it's nice to thrive for and by oneself, it'd be nice to have people around to show support and celebrate achievements, mine AND theirs.. I celebrate myself, of course, but I am a social animal 🫂, I need social encouragement.
1-8 of 8
Julián Fuentes
10points to level up
Linguist. Love music, languages, humor, board and video-games, cats, gardening.

Active 1d ago
Joined May 15, 2024
Mexico 🇲🇽
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