Bio: W3MCT, LLC, is an innovative force in the Web3 and blockchain technology sector, offering specialized Marketing, Collaboration, and Training services.
Bio: I love to serve, leadership growth and development and sharing the good news of Jesus wherever I go. My heart is to see people actualizar their dreams
Bio: You can call me Z, I found joy after three TBIs, a failed suicide attempt and a challenging divorce, if I can do it, so can you! Here for the love 💖
Bio: What’s sup, my name Kiwanda but everyone can call me Key. I’m 43 years old, my desire for life to have freedom make my own calls. Dream Big, Achieve
Bio: Michael Wilson, CEO of Entrepreneur Power Network, author of Network Like A Millionaire and business coach passionate about helping businesses thrive.
Bio: Copywriter: Also - My name is Bijan, I build and manage skool groups of all sizes
I also do: Newsletter writing 📝 and other high value copywriting