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25 contributions to Invest & Retire Community
4 lessons from making 40% to 55% return in 2024
As of today (Dec 4), my portfolio: Monthly Passive Income Strategy (1 trade a week): +55% Long-term smart index funds: +46% ​When it comes to Finance and Investing, it boils down to a few core lessons (from easiest to hardest): ​1. Diversification - Anyone can do this by investing in index funds and avoiding being exposed too much to individual stocks. Most financial education stops here ​2. Leverage - Using leverage or profit multiplier option is a double-edged sword. If you use it right, you can 2x to 3x your return 3. Avoiding bearish periods - ​During a bull period, you hold and you should be on par with the market. During the bearish period, this is where you shine simply by holding cash (or even short the market). This is harder than 1 and 2 ​ 4. Monthly Income Options - With 1 trade a week and options, you can design your retirement strategy and achieve a more predictable cashflow. This allows you to pay bills, mortgages and travel. Those are the 4 ​key concepts you must master to master investing. Turns out - it's only 4 things.​ Cheers, Eric ------ Eric Seto Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) Founder of In December, my goal is to help 10 people without a financial background to master investing through Investing Accelerator. Investing Accelerator is designed for people without a financial background. The goal is to achieve 30% return per year. In the first phase, you will learn long term investing and targeting 30% for tax free compound growth. This will help accelerate your overall wealth. In the second phase, you will learn monthly passive income to provide a more predictable cash flow (target 30% per year) which can cover your expenses. This will help accelerate your retirement goals. If you are interested, then let's hop on a call to see if you can benefit from the strategies in Investing Accelerator and get 30% per year.
New comment 21d ago
1 like • 21d
Great concepts.. Thank you..
Nov 29 is a good time to take a break - Going to Japan
If you knew when the portfolio managers / hedge fund managers take a break, then you can also plan your vacation around when the market is not doing too much. My forecast for December is that it will be a slower month and less movement. The Santa rally is already happening in November (despite news not really reporting on it) So - I am going on vacation. Japan with my two kids and wife. Hong Kong to visit my parents as well. This year is very bullish - I am sure we all made some money (some students in Investing Accelerator made over 50%). If you need help, I can still help you master investing in December before the year ends. You can hop on a call with Michael and I will still be available to answer any questions you have as you go through the program. This allows you to get ready for the January and February opportunities. Remember it takes 7 weeks to go through the program. ​​So joining in December and go through the course during the Christmas holidays will get you ready to take advantage of any discounted stocks in January and February. Right - Try to take some profit near Nov 29 as well if you want to hold some cash for the holdiays. Cheers, Eric ---- Eric Seto Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) Founder of In December, my goal is to help 20 people without a financial background to master investing through Investing Accelerator. Investing Accelerator is designed for people without a financial background. The goal is to achieve 30% return per year. In the first phase, you will learn long term investing and targeting 30% for tax free compound growth. This will help accelerate your overall wealth. In the second phase, you will learn monthly passive income to provide a more predictable cash flow (target 30% per year) which can cover your expenses. This will help accelerate your retirement goals. If you are interested, then let's hop on a call to see if you can benefit from the strategies in Investing Accelerator and get 30% per year.
New comment 27d ago
1 like • 28d
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your vacation!
Even the market pulled back last week, I am still bullish in the next 3 weeks
The market gained a lot of ground after the election result - mainly because there is a lot less uncertainty around the political environment ​​However, inflation was slightly higher than expected and Fed announced that they are not in a rush to lower interest rates. Hence the market went down last week. For the next 3 weeks, I am still bullish on the overall market and will continue to hold the positions. ​​ I forecast that the trend should resume and we haven't seen the final top for 2024. ​ Cheers, Eric ---- Eric Seto Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) Founder of In November, my goal is to help 5 people without a financial background to master investing through Investing Accelerator. Investing Accelerator is designed for people without a financial background. The goal is to achieve 30% return per year. In the first phase, you will learn long term investing and targeting 30% for tax free compound growth. This will help accelerate your overall wealth. In the second phase, you will learn monthly passive income to provide a more predictable cash flow (target 30% per year) which can cover your expenses. This will help accelerate your retirement goals. If you are interested, then let's hop on a call to see if you can benefit from the strategies in Investing Accelerator and get 30% per year. During the call, we will map out exactly how you can achieve 30%, what you are lacking, how you can improve. If you have any questions about the program, you can ask during the call as well. Schedule a call here: Remember to go to the Classroom tab for additional investing resources.
New comment Nov 19
1 like • Nov 19
Great update!
Sherrie made 35% from TSLA 25% from GOOGL and 22% from MSFT in 2 months
779 - 781 Sherrie made 35% from TSLA 25% from GOOGL and 22% from MSFT in 2 months For long term investing, it is often "easy" to post about these gains within the community. We use options to multiply our return and we hold good blue chip companies until we reach 20-30% return. For monthly passive income, it is about consistency. ​3% a month. 1 trade a week. That's the routine you need to succeed. For long term investing, it is like a hunter waiting for his prey to show up. Only shoot when you have a 90%+ probability of winning. Monthly passive income is more like working out and exercising. Going to the gym once a week and you will see your muscles grow over time. ​ ​​​​​​​​​What do you prefer? Large gains? or consistency? Cheers, Eric ---- Eric Seto Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) Founder of In November, my goal is to help 10 people without a financial background to master investing through Investing Accelerator. Investing Accelerator is designed for people without a financial background. The goal is to achieve 30% return per year. In the first phase, you will learn long term investing and targeting 30% for tax free compound growth. This will help accelerate your overall wealth. In the second phase, you will learn monthly passive income to provide a more predictable cash flow (target 30% per year) which can cover your expenses. This will help accelerate your retirement goals. If you are interested, then let's hop on a call to see if you can benefit from the strategies in Investing Accelerator and get 30% per year. During the call, we will map out exactly how you can achieve 30%, what you are lacking, how you can improve. If you have any questions about the program, you can ask during the call as well. Schedule a call here: Remember to go to the Classroom tab for additional investing resources.
New comment Nov 18
Sherrie made 35% from TSLA 25% from GOOGL and 22% from MSFT in 2 months
1 like • Nov 14
Congratulations !!
Investing For Retirement By This Priority (USA)
I am sharing with you this simple list to serve as a reminder the priority of each of the below saving for retirement options. This is only applicable in USA. The reason I am sharing this document (authored by a financial advisor) because this is the ORDER I have practiced as well from a young adult. Please ask questions if you like me to elaborate why following this order is important.
New comment Nov 17
Investing For Retirement By This Priority (USA)
3 likes • Nov 11
Thanks for sharing. Should it include an emergency fund savings account. So, we dont dip into equities at the wrong time.
1-10 of 25
Joseph Andy
1point to level up
Engineer interested to learn about stocks and options.

Active 12d ago
Joined Apr 10, 2024
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