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6 contributions to CYBERPRO COMMUNITY
New Course: Certified Threat Modeling Crash Course
CYBERPROS! I've just launched a free course on Threat Modeling using IriusRisk which will allow you to learn the concepts while getting hands on with the skills within the IriusRisk Community Edition. This course is designed to complement the free IriusRisk Derisker Threat Modeling Champion certification course, which does award you with a free certification that is valuable in the job market. Go check it out!
New comment Apr 4
New Course: Certified Threat Modeling Crash Course
2 likes • Apr 4
Thank you for creating this companion to the IriusRisk training! I found their video on diagramming hard to see and follow along with. Being able to see you diagram and explain it in the "What Are We Working On?" module helped me get the hang of things.
Hello Everyone! I’m Michael from the DC area . I’ve been thinking of getting back into the IT field. I left in 2008 as a network administrator for a financial firm after 10 years and 4 companies. I thought life would be better in sales and owning a business but it’s hard out there. I’ve been trying to lean Kali Linux and SEC+ on my own but I feel that now is the time for professional training. Looking forward to reinventing myself again. As an older (ish) person it’s a bit nerve wracking as I’ve been working out of my house for the past decade. Can’t imagine what it would be like going back into an office again. Cheers
New comment Apr 18
0 likes • Apr 3
@Michael Collins Use IriusRisk Community Edition, it's free to get an account, I took screen shots of these little checklists to go through and do all the hands-on stuff a second time after finishing the class (it made a lot more sense once I had seen all the videos). You can also just click on the check boxes and move on to the next section as the hands-on elements are optional.
1 like • Apr 3
@Michael Collins I hear you, the video that covers diagramming step in the IridiusRisk training is a little overwhelming. If you have a chance, find the post titled New Course: Certified Threat Modeling Course by Nicolas and get to the module called "What Are We Working On?" and you'll get to see Nicolas diagram and things will make a lot more sense. I don't have bandwidth this week but I'm also happy to hop on a video chat on Monday (Mondays are my day off). I'm a total beginner but happy to share what I know.
Google Cybersecurity Certification
Hey everyone! I am doing my google cybersecurity training and wanted to see if anyone knew of ways I can get hands on experience to test my skills and to add to my resume. I know of Forage and have done one so far, any others?
New comment Apr 26
4 likes • Apr 2
@James Hopper I completed the AIG project on Forage and I really enjoyed it. I have no reason to think that it would move the needle on getting anyone hired as a credential. But I learned a lot, enjoyed the task, and Forage does a good job at helping you understand how to talk about the experience. So as a learning exercise I loved it. Of my online learning so far, I would recommend Antisyphon Training Pay-What-You-Can course SOC Core Skills. Super fun, lots of hands-on, and a great way to network in the community.
Security Certification....which one are you after?
I'm going down Splunk and Crowdstrike for the moment. Then will take time for Azures cloud architect equivalent.
New comment Apr 2
1 like • Apr 2
Studying to take Security+ the first week of May. I'm still very much in a "shiny object syndrome" phase, interested in so many things, but I think the sensible thing to do would be to aim for a cloud certification next.
Welcome Everyone.
Good Morning All. I am writing from the UK, are there any other brits here? I am looking to get into cyber-security, after working in security since the age of 16. And am here to see if I can make contacts with, and share my knowledge with others in the field of security. Not sure what the community is and what you do so welcome.
New comment May 31
0 likes • Apr 2
Hello @Lee Haynes! Would love to hear more about where you are in your path.
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Jose Ruiz-Vazquez
2points to level up
Pivoting from librarianship to cybersecurity in Austin, Texas. Happy to connect!

Active 120d ago
Joined Mar 27, 2024
Austin, TX
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