Bio: I’m from Ireland. A Practice Nurse and avid Triathlete/Ironman athlete. I’ve recently just completed a Whim Hoff Workshop found my inner calm now 9DBW
Bio: Prev: Technical Writer @ Binance.US. Current: Run & Freelance - Writing/Marketing/PR. Idea junky. Late bloomer. Digital nomadISH.
Bio: Building @ | @genius | @imgur | @worldstar | @kik | @AminoApps | @DatPiff | @Whisper
Follow me for ideas about the future of media
Bio: I am a machine learning engineer who loves to build AI solutions from Istanbul/Turkey. I am learning how to build chatbots with gpt and llm models.
Bio: I build sales tools, visuals, processes, and automations. I'm a systems builder and thinker. Fostering a space where sports enthusiasts can thrive