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Owned by Jon

Rethink Business & Healthcare

Private β€’ 5 β€’ Free

We are changing how businesses provide & consume health coverage. This group shows other companies how (for free).


The Serial Sales Community

Private β€’ 231 β€’ Paid

Skool Community

Public β€’ 133.7k β€’ Paid

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Public β€’ 12.3k β€’ Free

The Skool Games

Private β€’ 17.1k β€’ Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private β€’ 69.2k β€’ Free

7 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
Hormozi + Kirby's New FREE Cohort (Apply Now)
This just launched 10 mins ago, so I wanted to let you guys know ASAP. The details: - Hormozi and I are running a cohort - 3 months of private coaching - Extensive new Skool monetization checklist - A calendar on how to best spend your time - It will be free - You have to apply - 100 people will be accepted - We'll help you scale your Skool business fast - You have to be willing to GO ALL IN Click the image below to read the details. Here's the link to the post and application (you must have a Skool community to apply) This is going to be insane, so I wanted to let you synthesizers know this ASAP. Who's going to apply?
New comment 5d ago
Hormozi + Kirby's New FREE Cohort (Apply Now)
2 likes β€’ Aug 2
Absolutely applying on my current killer opportunity. Stoked for this!
Got 3 to join in 12 minutes
Wins have to be small and big right? Got the first 3 members of my group within 12 minutes of starting. Maybe I should start timing every hurdle and post my times here? πŸ‘€
New comment Jul 29
Choose a Prospect & create an ideal Product
A lot of us noobies (myself included) get stuck on "Which niche?" I think it's less about the niche and more about the product that serves a particular prospect. There are 9-figure businesses in almost every niche, those businesses just won't be worth the effort for you to battle it. Sorry. I believe in you but we're all noobs and you're outmatched and that's ok. Think about it differently. There's things about the PRODUCT that make it easier to sell. But there's also things about the PROSPECT that make THEM easier to sell to. It's about the merging of an ideal product that is super easy to sell that is sold to an ideal prospect that is super easy to sell to. Scaled forever. Easiest product to sell: a necessary surgery to keep you alive (dream outcome) that has 100% success rate over millions of times (low risk) and is done instantaneously (low time) and you only have to push a single button (low effort). No recovery time and no side effects (no sacrifice). This is around the offer/product/solution. Easiest prospect to sell: In pain, are aware they are in pain, wealthy, super easy to find, millions of them (and growing every day), super easy to work with, TRUSTS YOU, and has an enormous network and refers everyone else they know that are exactly like them your way. So when creating your free community to start, decide on the niche, then decide on the ideal prospect, invite as many of those as you can, and THEN create a product for them.
New comment Jul 27
Choose a Prospect & create an ideal Product
6 niches I'd avoid if I were you
- Teenagers - Students - Young men - Jobless - Beginner entrepreneurs
New comment Aug 5
1 like β€’ Jul 22
@Killian Bc I think it depends on the combination of the prospect and the product and what your goal is. I broke down my thinking here
0 likes β€’ Jul 22
@Natasha Sevova Not in pain, not enough money, usually not the best customers to name a few.
The $10,000/month Synthesizer (My New Free Course)
Check out my new free course by clicking here. It's a full recap of everything we've covered in the High-Ticket Synthesizer cohort. Enjoy! Kirby PS: This Monday is the final call in the cohort. Click here to add it to your calendar. Everyone who attends will get free access to my Monetization Protocol course, which is usually exclusively for creators with 100,000+ subscribers.
New comment 3d ago
The $10,000/month Synthesizer (My New Free Course)
10 likes β€’ Jul 9
For those fellow snorters of Hormozi content, here's the plan in short: 1. Start a Free Skool group around a topic you want to build a business around 2. Do warm outreach until you get 20-100 people in the group 3. Then do (at least) 5 discovery calls with the group 4. Then create your offer (see $100M Offers) 5. Build offer around something people are already buying, don't stop buying, AND is expensive. 6. Then once you've nailed down the offer, bring traffic. 3 choices: Content, Outreach, or Ads (see $100M Leads) 7. Your free community is now solely nurturing leads to take your big ticket item (either DFY service or paid community) so everyone that comes in enters your sales funnel: discovery call -> offer accepted 8. Repeat 6 & 7 until you drown in cash
1-7 of 7
Jon Browne
39points to level up
I help SMB's offer better health benefits for cheaper without getting scammed by brokers.

Active 22h ago
Joined Jun 14, 2024
Raleigh, NC
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