HELP! Updating GSV Images
Not sure if this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong... My client has had me reshoot some of the images in their tour as they have replaced some carpets and tile, etc. Used "Swap Scene" in the editor to update the images in the interactive version. No issues, other than it is a reminder that I should always be setting my North points when I edit the images, not in CP, as I wouldn't have to readjust all the hotspots. Anyhow... I'm trying to update the GSV, but when I try to edit it, it still shows the thumbnails of the old images. It also doesn't seem to show a new scene I've added. Is there a way to update this GSV without removing all my images from Google and starting over? That would be a MAJOR PITA, especially as the method of setting north points has changed! TYIA!