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What is the most challenging aspect you struggle with when writing articles?
Me: Editing and Proofreading 😢 And you? 😁
New comment 5d ago
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My struggle is article ideas, when your trying to write for a site that has covered the topic over and over again, finding another angle and thinking out of the box is a daily struggle for me. I'm glad you came up with this post i hope we can all help each other as we will all have strengths and weaknesses.
🔥 Advanced SEO Tips: Pro Moves from High-End Experts
When it comes to SEO, the pros like Steve Toth don’t just settle for basic tactics. They go deep. If you’re aiming to play at their level, you’ve got to go beyond the basics and start working with the big leagues. Here’s how they roll: 1. Semantic SEO: It's All About Context It’s not just about sprinkling a few keywords here and there anymore. Semantic SEO is where it's at. You want search engines to understand the bigger picture of what you’re saying. Think of it like painting with a broader brush—include related terms and phrases to give more context to your content. It’s kind of like leaving breadcrumbs for Google to follow, showing it how everything connects. The result? Higher rankings because your content looks more comprehensive and relevant. 2. Internal Linking: Spread the Love (and the Link Juice) Here's a neat trick: strategic internal linking. It’s not just about randomly linking pages within your site; it’s about being intentional. Find those high-authority pages that are already doing well and link them to your less popular pages. This is like sending a virtual high-five that helps spread authority across your site. Think of it as redistributing the SEO wealth! 3. Optimizing for Search Intent: It’s Not Just About You Let’s face it—SEO isn’t about what you want to say. It’s about what your audience wants to know. If you’re not aligning your content with what people are actually searching for, you're missing the mark. Dig into that search intent, figure out what folks are really after, and tweak your content to match. It’s like being the perfect host who knows exactly what their guests want before they even ask. Trust me, they’ll stick around longer, and your rankings will soar. Best of Luck and happy Ranking 🙂
New comment 18h ago
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Good advice. May I also add Internal links are underestimated and many webmasters overlook them instead focusing on external backlinks, but like anything internal links need to be done correctly in my opinion if a link is placed too high in the content and it links to something not so relevant it can dilute your good page, like you say be strategic and intentional. The same with the anchor text that needs thought as well.
🚀 What is Navboost and How Does it Impact Your Search Rankings?
Did you know that Google uses something called Navboost to help rank web pages in search results? 🤔 It’s a special tool that tracks how users interact with search results, such as how often people click on your page and how long they stay on it. Here’s why it matters: ✔️ User Clicks Count: The more people click on your content from the search results, the better your page might rank. ✔️ Engagement Matters: Google looks at whether people stick around on your page or quickly go back to search results. If they stay, it’s a sign your content is useful! ✔️ Long-Term Impact: Navboost collects data for up to 13 months to decide if your page is relevant, which means consistent clicks and engagement can really help boost your ranking over time. So, if you want to improve your Google ranking, focus on creating content that people love to click on and interact with! 💡 #SEO #GoogleRanking #Navboost #DigitalMarketing #WebTraffic
New comment 6d ago
🚀 What is Navboost and How Does it Impact Your Search Rankings?
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Having interactive elements on the page helps a lot, sliders, downloadable pdfs, other information behind tabs a user has to click on are all positive signs, anything to stop them hitting the back button. 😉
Quick question
Is a low quality article affect your whole website or you can just ignore it ?
New comment 16h ago
3 likes • 6d
How have you decided it's low quality? Does it align with the purpose of your website? Could you improve the article? Why did you write the article in the first place? Maybe revisit your reasoning for this! Check search console what does that tell you? A little more context would help with a better answer to your question.
Hope this community will help us to survive from core updates.
I am sure this community will help us to remain safe from the effects of core updates and polish each other skills with best of knowledge. Best wishes for every member here.
New comment 6d ago
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My understanding of the Core updates, is its just a re ranking of websites. What you do between core updates is important, create quality engaging content for your target audience, and you should be fine. There will always be winners and losers in a core update. Just give the search engine the right signals, make sure your EEAT is good and all your information is consistent. Be a proper buisiness not a faceless entity.
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John Hollis
13points to level up
Looking to improve my knowledge in SEO

Active 9h ago
Joined Sep 14, 2024
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