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Owned by Joe

Elevate University

Public โ€ข 1 โ€ข Free

Elevate University is the top personal development community for young men. We are on the search for a heroic and purposeful life


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3 contributions to Elevate University
Wisdom is Calling
In a day where we can search and find the answer to anything we want is becoming overwhelming and causing the quality of the information to take a hit. It is hard to find a profound idea that is different. A lot of what is said is what you already agree on and people are not apt to challenge themselves to different views. What I believe is that wisdom is everywhere. Wisdom is something that we can find in our every day lives if we are looking. I have found it in the corn field, renovating houses and even on ski trips. It is everywhere. The way the world works, the way people act and how you can reap a harvest for the things you sow. It is truly crazy and exciting. What is unfortunate is that even though it appears we should be a lot wiser and smarter of a people I think there is a lot we don't know. most young men today are seeking to fulfill their hedonistic desires like partying, hooking up and video games because they have nothing better to do. This is a sad reality especially because the men that are in this position and doing these things don't see the wisdom and benefit their perspectives could add to the world. Which I don't mean to everyone in the world, I mean the world around you, your world. The people you love and care for most are missing out on the best of you. The wisdom you need is already beside you, you just need to unlock it to be able to apply it to the issues and complexities of your life. Elevate University is going to deliver this to you. We are going to teach you how to seek and find and think through things so that they are your own thoughts and ideas and no one else's. Join the adventure of truth and you will not look back. Take the step.
Who should Join Elevate University?
This is always something I find very interesting. Deciding and defining who the community should be. It is very necessary to think of this because when building a community the members make up the overall ethic of the community. If there is people who you know aren't going to fit in, it is far better to keep the ethic than it is to get the money from them. For this reason I wanted to compile a list of questions that I need you to answer. If the answer is yes for all of them I really think this community would be an asset in your life. 1. Are you a man who feels like there is more to your life? 2. Are you willing to seek out whatever it takes to accomplish your goal? 3. Do you choose to pursue wisdom and understanding over short term rewards? 4. Is your character of more value to you than your possessions? 5. Are you a man who feels like there is no one else who is on the path of personal growth and wants a family like community to help you grow and achieve more? 6. Are you a man who is not perfect, but is willing to continually progress towards a higher ideal? 7. Do you have the wisdom to see that investing what's in you is far more important than what you put on you? Think through these questions, answer them properly and if these are you, or you want them to be you seriously consider this community. Never forget that the people who are early get certain access and gifts that the people who get in later don't have the ability to get. Act today while the conviction is hot and don't let neglect continue to poison your next moves.
What is Elevate University?
I have come across a number of men in my life who have been able to elevate their lives into something incredible. They overcame circumstances that seem impossible today and managed to elevate into all that they were meant to be. In todays day and age I have a very large disconnect between the young men I have been lucky enough to have an influence over and the actionable and heroic steps they can take to find a fulfilling life. I have been on this journey for some time now and have studied, learned, and applied wisdom to my life to become all that God has called me to be. I am starting a community because I sense a hunger and longing from men in the culture who are looking for purpose, fulfilment and that heroic sense that every young boy craved. I have come closer and closer to finding this in my life and want to help the young men who are also on this path speed it up and help them learn the principles they need. That is why I created Elevate University. I wanted a community where men can gather to share the ideas, perspectives and reasoning in an open and friendly discussion so that we can all learn and grow from each other. There will be all different walks and experiences and if we can respect and allow our differences to keep us even closer than our similarities this community can change the world. I will be sharing books, perspectives and actionable steps to change your life. There will be different sectors that I will be teaching and showing based on what I have learned and experience. The beginning phases will start with building the foundation that we need to build everything else on which is our character. As a man you need to build your character because everything will fall if that foundation is weak. The next steps will be in building our house on top of that foundation. These are the basic necessities of life that we need to have a fruitful and flourishing life. Then the last section will be diving deep into creating the gardens outside the house. This is where we can produce the fruit and crops that will help provide the harvest and provide higher and further growth in our lives.
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Joe Kraayenbrink
5points to level up
- Servant of God - Farmer/Owner of Cynron Farms - Real Estate/Farmland Investor - CEO of Elevate University

Active 46d ago
Joined Jan 25, 2024
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