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Entrepreneurship Mastermind

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11 contributions to Entrepreneurship Mastermind
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
How Do I Know If Now Is The Right Time? Okay, I'm going to let you in on a little secret...there is no right time! If you wait for the 'right time', you will stay in a frozen, non-actionable state forever. So why wasn't I specific about the right time for what? Because it doesn't matter what the 'what' is, it matters more about changing your behaviour to take action and move the needle. Here are some ideas to help; - Clearly define your goals: Break down your objectives into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. - Prioritize tasks: Identify the most critical actions that will have the most significant impact on your goals and focus on them first. - Create an action plan: Outline the steps needed to accomplish your goals, including deadlines and milestones. - Set deadlines: Establish deadlines for each task to create a sense of urgency and accountability. - Break tasks into smaller steps: Divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain momentum. - Eliminate distractions: Minimize interruptions and distractions to stay focused and productive. - Stay organized: Use tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and project management software to stay organized and track progress. - Take consistent action: Commit to taking small, consistent actions every day toward your goals to build momentum and progress steadily. - Monitor progress: Regularly review your progress against your goals and adjust your action plan as needed. - Celebrate achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments along the way to stay motivated and maintain momentum. Another thing I see and hear quite often is "I'm not ready" or "I don't have the confidence" or "Who am I to actually go out and do this AND ask to get paid?" I think we can bundle this all under imposter syndrome. Do any of these sound familiar?; - Persistent self-doubt: Individuals with imposter syndrome often doubt their abilities and accomplishments, feeling like they are not as competent or talented as others perceive them to be. - Fear of failure: There is a pervasive fear of being exposed as a fraud or failure, leading to anxiety about making mistakes or not meeting expectations. - Overachieving: Imposter syndrome sufferers may overcompensate for their perceived inadequacies by working excessively hard or setting unrealistically high standards for themselves. - Discounting success: They tend to downplay their achievements, attributing them to luck, timing, or external factors rather than acknowledging their own skills and efforts. - Comparing oneself to others: Constantly comparing oneself to peers or colleagues and feeling inferior or inadequate in comparison, regardless of their own accomplishments. - Difficulty accepting praise: Individuals with imposter syndrome may struggle to accept compliments or recognition for their work, dismissing positive feedback as undeserved. - Fear of being exposed: There is a deep-seated fear of being "found out" or exposed as incompetent, leading to a reluctance to take on new challenges or opportunities. - Setting high expectations: Imposter syndrome sufferers often set excessively high expectations for themselves, feeling pressure to excel in every aspect of their lives to prove their worth. - Masking insecurities: They may project an outward image of confidence and competence while internally grappling with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. - Perfectionism: Striving for perfection in every task or endeavor, fearing that any imperfection will reveal their supposed incompetence or lack of talent.
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
Redefining Healthy Routines: Finding Your Perfect Time to Thrive
I'm veering a bit off my usual path today, but let's talk about something that's constantly on my radar: my health. Honestly, it's a big deal, and overlooking it might just be the grandest error you ever make. We've all seen those online success stories, right? The ones where folks are taking icy plunges at the crack of dawn or hitting the pavement for a pre-sunrise run. While it's inspiring, it sort of paints a narrow picture of what it means to kickstart a healthy lifestyle. But here's the thing: 1. If you're skimping on sleep to meet these goals, is it really worth it? 2. If you're anything but a morning person, why force it? 3. If starting your day with exercise feels like a chore, will you stick with it? Let's rethink our approach to prioritizing health, shall we? Whether it's the gym, a brisk walk, or a jog, find a slot in your day where you're most likely to follow through. Consistency beats intensity or timing. Me? I'm at the gym by 8:30AM, post-meditation and coffee, after I've sifted through my emails and socials. This timing is my sweet spot, ensuring I never skip a beat. Your ideal time might be different—early morning, noon, or evening—and that's perfectly okay. I've learned the hard way that too early can backfire for all the reasons mentioned, and too late often means life's other commitments take over, or I'm just plain exhausted. So, here's my advice: Schedule your health activities like they're non-negotiable meetings with yourself. Because, friends, in the grand scheme of things, your life quite literally depends on it. Let's set ourselves up for success, shall we? I hope this was helpful and if you like what you're reading in this newsletter, please share as you never know who could you this exact piece of advice at this exact moment. Thanks! Joe
Redefining Healthy Routines: Finding Your Perfect Time to Thrive
What Now?
The Midlife Pivot: Crafting Your Legacy Beyond Corporate America Hey there, If you're reading this, chances are you're a bit like me. You've spent a good chunk of your life climbing that corporate ladder, thinking this was the path to fulfillment. But now, here we are, 40+ and wondering, "Is this it?" You feel that tug in your heart, telling you there's more out there — more to life, more to give, and definitely more to achieve. You're not alone in wanting to leave a legacy, to make a dent in the universe. But where do you start? Let's dive in together. Identifying Your 'Why' - Reflect on Your Passions: What lights you up? Think about activities that make you lose track of time or causes you're deeply passionate about. - Consider Your Skills: What are you good at? Sometimes, our careers in corporate America equip us with skills that can be repurposed in surprising ways. - Look for the Intersection: Your 'why' likely lies where your passions and skills overlap. This is your sweet spot for making a meaningful impact. Understanding Your Demographic - Who Benefits from Your Skills? Think about who would find your skills, knowledge, or passion most beneficial. This could be a specific age group, profession, or community. - Engage and Listen: Start conversations with your potential demographic. Social media platforms and forums are great for this. Listen more than you speak to understand their needs and challenges. How You Want to Serve - Volunteer Your Time: This is a great way to get a feel for what you're passionate about while making a difference. - Start Small: Launch a blog, a podcast, or a YouTube channel. Share your journey and what you're learning about leaving a legacy. It's about building a community of like-minded individuals. - Be Open to Learning: Maybe going back to school or getting certified in something that aligns with your 'why' is the way to go. Never underestimate the power of education in paving new paths. Additional Nuggets of Wisdom
What Now?
To Share Or Not To Share
The debate about whether to share your intentions with others or keep them to yourself is a common one. Here I'm referring to 'intentions' as it pertains to your 'why' and 'how' and your thoughts of possibly pivoting from what you're doing today, to something new and exciting that you would like to pursue moving forward. Intentions Build Habits, Goals Don't. Goals feel like an obligation and intentions feel like an invitation to explore. Chasing goals makes you feel like you are never enough. Intentions empower you to be yourself. Here are examples of both arguments: Sharing Your Intentions Some experts believe that sharing your intentions creates momentum and garners support from others. Sharing your intentions with others can have several benefits, as highlighted by experts and research: - Increased Accountability: When you share your intentions with someone, you automatically make yourself more accountable towards that particular intention. This can help ensure that you stick to your intentions and increase your overall involvement in the project. - Clarity and Modification of Intentions: Sharing your intentions with others can help you frame and modify them more clearly. Through discussions with others, your intentions can take a new form and become more structured. - Measuring Progress: Sharing intentions can make it easier to measure your progress. For example, if you share an intention to give up smoking, you can ask friends to cheer for you every day that you do not smoke, helping you measure your progress. - Increased Motivation and Connection: Sharing your intentions can facilitate the measurement of your progress. For instance, if you communicate an intention to quit smoking, you can enlist the support of friends to celebrate each day that you refrain from smoking, which aids in tracking your progress. - Improved Intention Commitment: Studies have indicated that individuals are likely to demonstrate greater commitment to their intentions after sharing them with someone they perceive as having "higher status" or whose opinions they value. This heightened commitment can result in increased dedication and a stronger reluctance to abandon the intention.
To Share Or Not To Share
Imposter Syndrome: The Silent Killer of Dreams
Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you're not as capable as others perceive you to be. It's a common struggle for high-achievers and entrepreneurs, and it can be paralyzing. You have to remember there are people out there, who are exactly at the same spot this very moment, where you were just 5, 10, 15 years ago and they need your help, expertise and guidance. Having to deal with imposter syndrome, is the fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence of your competence. But here's the thing, imposter syndrome is a sign that you're pushing your own boundaries. It's a natural part of growth and success. So, instead of letting it hold you back, use it as a catalyst for self-improvement. Here's the good news, you can overcome it. Here are 5 strategies to help you beat Imposter Syndrome: 1.) Embrace Vulnerability: - Share your fears and insecurities with a trusted friend or mentor. - You'll likely find that others have similar feelings, and it can be incredibly liberating. 2.) Reframe Your Inner Dialogue: - Pay attention to your self-talk. - When you catch yourself in a negative thought loop, challenge those thoughts with evidence to the contrary. 3.) Set Realistic Goals: - Break down your big goals into smaller, achievable tasks. - Celebrate each small win, and you'll build confidence over time. 4.) Seek Constructive Feedback: - Ask for feedback from people you trust and respect. - You'll likely find that others see your strengths more clearly than you do. 5.) Pay It Forward: - Mentor someone who is earlier in their journey than you are. - Helping others can be a powerful reminder of your own expertise and experience. Remember, imposter syndrome is a common struggle, and you're not alone. By taking proactive steps to address it, you can build a healthier, more positive mindset and achieve your full potential. Thanks for being here! Joe If you found this helpful, consider resharing ♻️
Imposter Syndrome: The Silent Killer of Dreams
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Joe Costello
1point to level up
Happiness Mentor & Entrepreneurial Coach - Guilding solopreneurs/entrepreneurs with their dream business. Acting as a partner to lean.

Active 1d ago
Joined Feb 20, 2024
Phoenix, AZ
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