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Very bad experience on installing Anaconda
Just earned enough credits for posting here. This is my very first time learning coding and I didn’t know any relating knowledge at all before entering this course, so I made some silly mistakes when installed Anaconda. Just wanted to write down this bad experience on installing Anaconda, share them with someone like me lacking even very basic skill in this field, and also earn myself some credits on this platform. I should have downloaded the installer for intel chip, but I mistakenly downloaded the one for apple silicon instead. I had tried several times for installing before I found out this mistake, which wasted a lot of time. When I tried to use the intel-chip installer, it said “anaconda3 already exists”, which made me confused again because I didn’t finish the installment at all. Then I had to go to Finder to delete all files named ‘anaconda’. After these problems, I then got a "permission denied" message during the installation process. I searched this problem on google and finally solved it by typing ‘chmod +x’ into terminal. When I looked back into these small silly mistakes, I found that they were not that difficult to be solved; however, they cost me a lot of time, which made me worry about my future learning process in this course. “I may encounter even worse problems and stuck on them”--this negative expectation was really frightening me. But as I left comments on this platform expressing my worries, I then got lots of encouragement from classmates in this course, which made me feel much better. You are all very helpful! Thanks very much for all your kind words and valuable help!
New comment 11h ago
Please please can someone help?
Dear Team, I don't know where to start. I have been stuck on section 2 forever because I can not get VS code to load dependencies etc... Let me explain. After failure after failure and having chagpt sending me around in a loop I am at my wits end, and I hope someone can offer some suggestions. The first thing I need to understand is while running vs code on windows I can do 2 things. 1. Set up vs code to connect via WSL. 2. Use the windows native directory structure. Question. What option should I opt for? Because I have issues with both options In wsl I can not run html files, (not found) In windows I can run python and html files but struggle to load dependencies. they are underlined in red. chatgtp say " command palette. Type Python: Select Interpreter" If I do, there is nothing to select. Also chatgpt says "pip install Flask torch diffusers" Is this done in the terminal of the individual project? Is it done in windows or wsl? I have run that install on both. XXXX wsl Runs and updated but can not run html XXX windows=error LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\Scripts' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location. To update, run: C:\Users\carls\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip PS C:\Users\carls\Projects\Repos\to-video> -m pip install --upgrade pip -m : The term '-m' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + -m pip install --upgrade pip + ~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (-m:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException OUTCOME. I now have 2 repositories, 1 for windows and 1 for wsl. Both of which have issues and all I am doing as I follow instruction is load more and more code on to my machine.
New comment 6d ago
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@Anaxareian Aia does this mean that I cannot complete Dave's course on a mac with IOS? I just joined this classroom. Would it be better if I start everything on Windows?
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The goal of this group is to help you navigate the complex and rapidly evolving world of data science and artificial intelligence. This is your hub to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, learn specialized skills to turn raw data into valuable insights, connect with a community of like-minded individuals, and ultimately, become a Data Alchemist. Together, let's decode the language of data and shape a future where knowledge and community illuminate our way. Rules - Don't sell anything here or use Data Alchemy as any kind of funnel - We delete low effort community posts, and posts with poor English. Proofread your post first. - Help us make the posts high quality. If you see a low quality post, then click on the 3 dots on the post and "Report To Admins". Start by checking out these links - Classroom - Introduction - Roadmap - Contribution Be Aware of Scammers - Please be aware that this is a public group. Unfortunately, some people abuse the Skool platform to send DMs or post comments to trick people. This is the internet, so always do your own due diligence. Never automatically trust someone here on the Skool platform other than @Dave Ebbelaar's official account. To kick things off, please comment below, introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name and where you're from 2. What project(s) you're currently focused on See you in the comments!
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New comment 2h ago
Welcome to Data Alchemy - Start Here
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I am a beginner, having not any knowledge in this field at all. I find that other friends in this course are very experienced and now I start to doubt if I am able to complete this course😭.
Hey you lateral-movers: what field are you coming from?
Question for those of you who already have experience working in companies or academics in a different field: - what field are you coming from? - how much experience do you have in it? - do you have plans to use your previous experience in your data adventure, or on the contrary, you are learning data science to move forward in your main area of expertise?
New comment 4d ago
Hey you lateral-movers: what field are you coming from?
2 likes • 7d
Hi there, I am working in advertising industry and have zero knowledge on coding. This course is not easy for me. I join this course because I really have interests in AI and hope to explore a new challenging path.
A Comprehensive Toolkit for High-Quality PDF Content Extraction.
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