We have so many people joining every day. We are all so excited to have you here! Please follow these steps to get started. Step 1. Click "Classroom" and open the "Getting Started" module. Please go through all of that, it doesn't take long at all. Step 2. Introduce yourself. The main point of this group is growth & networking! [Copy and paste this template into a post] - Why did you decide to join our group? - What valuable experiences or skills do you bring to the table? - Is there anything holding you back that we can assist with? Step 3. Join our Masterclass on June 1st at 1PM PST. I promise I will set you up for success if you're willing to take action! If you commit to getting involved with this group, you will make money guaranteed. Don't sell yourself short. If you've been here for a bit, comment something you've learned down below so the newbies can get a head start!