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11 contributions to
500+ tickets sold: The VAULT ad breakdown is LIVE πŸŽ₯πŸ’°
Hey Ad Men, I just dropped the full breakdown of the exact ad we used to help Patrick Bet-David sell over 500 tickets to last year's VAULT Conference. And here's the best part, this ad is only 60-seconds long! Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn: πŸ‘‰The exact ad structure we used (and are using again this year) πŸ‘‰How we positioned VAULT to make it irresistible πŸ‘‰The psychological triggers that had people rushing to buy tickets πŸ‘‰Plus more... But don't just take my word for it. Check it out yourself... click here to watch now. Now, you might be thinking... "Brian, this is great and all, but does this stuff really work?" Well, it worked well enough to help PBD's team sell an extra 500+ tickets! And well enough, that I'm actually in the process of coaching them on creating last-minute ads for PBD and his team to film RIGHT NOW to help them hit their ticket goals for this year's VAULT. Yep, you read that right. Even the big dogs sometimes need a helping hand. And you know what? That's smart business. Knowing when to bring in the experts? That's what separates the good from the GREAT. So, whether you're selling event tickets, high-ticket coaching, or SaaS products, this video has golden nuggets you can steal for your own campaigns Trust me, this is the kind of stuff that can transform your marketing overnight Now, here's what I want you to do: 1. Click that thumbnail and watch the full video 2. Smash that like button and subscribe to the channel 3. Leave a comment letting me know your biggest takeaway Because if you're serious about scaling your business (and I know you are), you can't afford to miss this. Let's crush it, -Brian "60-second quickie" Moncada πŸ₯‚ P.S. Want us to create killer YouTube ads for YOUR business? Click here to apply for a call with my team. We'll create all your YouTube Ads and campaigns for you, then teach you how to optimize and scale them yourself. It's the ultimate "done-FOR-you" and "done-with-you" solution for long-term success.
New comment Aug 6
500+ tickets sold: The VAULT ad breakdown is LIVE πŸŽ₯πŸ’°
0 likes β€’ Aug 6
Love PBD!
Tai Lopez invited me to his mastermind in the Hollywood Hills (NEW VIDEO)
Hey Ad Men, I just dropped a BOMB on YouTube that you've gotta see... It's the behind-the-scenes look at the Tai Lopez Hollywood Hills mastermind that just took place this past weekend. You know, the one that led to that last-minute podcast opportunity with Tai himself? Yeah, THAT one. Here's a sneak peek of what you'll discover when you watch the video: - The REAL conversations that happen when top marketers get together - My TOP takeaways that could 10x your business (one of them shocked even me) - The "million-dollar mistake" Tai shared (trust me, you DON'T want to make this one) - How one mastermind turned into a career-defining podcast opportunity But here's the thing... This isn't just some highlight reel of fancy cars and mansions (though, let's be real, Tai's place is pretty sweet). This is the nitty-gritty, no-BS insights that can actually move the needle in your business.I'm talking strategies that the top 1% use to stay ahead of the game. And I'm laying it all out for you. So, are you ready to see what happens when you say YES to opportunities? Click here to watch the video now. Fair warning: This isn't for tire-kickers or excuse-makers. But if you're serious about scaling your impact AND your income, this video is a must-watch. Let's crush it. -Brian "Masterminds" Moncada πŸ₯‚ P.S. The insights in this video are too good to keep to yourself. After you watch, share it with a fellow entrepreneur who needs to hear this. Let's continue growing together!
New comment Jul 22
Tai Lopez invited me to his mastermind in the Hollywood Hills (NEW VIDEO)
0 likes β€’ Jul 16
That is just Awesome!
I was leaving LA, then Tai Lopez texted... (Here's what I did)
Ever had to make a split-second decision that could change everything? Well, that's exactly what happened to me yesterday... Jennipher and I were literally driving back to Arizona when I got a text: "Tai Lopez wants to do a podcast with you... can you come by at 5-6pm? Or is that too late?" Talk about a moment of truth. Do I: A) Pass up a chance to sit down with one of the most famous marketers of all time B) Say "Sorry, we're already on the road!" and drive off into the sunset C) Pivot my plans and make it happenYou can probably guess what I chose... That's me, sitting in Tai's infamous garage, about to record what could be a game-changing podcast. Here's the thing... Opportunities like this don't come every day. They might show up once every few months or even years. And when they do, you have to be ready to POUNCE. Would it have been easier to keep driving home? Of course. But I knew I'd regret missing the chance to grow my brand and share knowledge with Tai's audience way more than I'd regret the hassle of changing plans. So what's the lesson here? 1. Be ready to pivot when opportunity knocks 2. Think long-term, even when short-term comfort is tempting 3. Recognize that growth often happens OUTSIDE of your comfort zone Now I'm curious - what opportunities have YOU been putting off? What "Tai Lopez moment" are you letting slip by because it's not convenient? Remember... The most successful people in any industry are those willing to say "yes" when others say "maybe later." Funny enough, Tai actually shared a story about just that yesterday during our chat... I won't spoil it for you here though.. But just know, one person's procrastination and indecision ended up costing him over $4 BILLION... It was about a lawyer who had an opportunity to invest into Amazon with Jeff Bezos and get 25% of the company before it ended up taking off... And well, I'm sure you can guess what he didn't do... So this week, I challenge you: Identify ONE opportunity you've been hesitating on and TAKE ACTION. Book that call. Send that email. Make that bold move.
New comment Jul 13
I was leaving LA, then Tai Lopez texted... (Here's what I did)
1 like β€’ Jul 13
Making Headlines!
Why is Brian Moncada offering free gold?
I will briefly explain here why Brian's entire structure is absurdly intelligent and it can change your life and your business. Firstly, my name is Gabriel Lamas, I have a successful advertising agency here in Brazil and I am part of the most select groups in my country. I want to show you that there are 3 levels. Most people are fighting for attention on Facetrick (facebook ads, its a joke in my group), secondly, the smartest discover the best intention platform on which 80% of businesses should position themselves, Google ads, Knowing how to do this well is a huge step forward, most of my clients are here. Now comes the icing on the cake, YouTube ads, this is revolutionizing the market. YouTube is the TV of the next 50 years. Absolutely, everything most important, from increasing your branding and capturing the highest ticket customers, are there. I'm not here to flatter Brian, but I speak as an expert, if you really want to change your game in 2024, you need to pay attention to what's happening on YouTube, you need to use this tool professionally, he's really creating an environment to help everyone here. I've already started using powerful structures this year for my agency on YouTube ads, several local business clients are seeing great results, just listen to those who are in the game. I hope you have a successful 2024.
New comment May 16
1 like β€’ Mar 27
That’s spot on @Gabriel Lamas
2 likes β€’ May 7
@Cody Roman Awesome insight! Thanks for sharing
I helped Charlie Morgan make $1M/month with YouTube Ads (here's how)
New YouTube Ads Masterclass for 2024 just went LIVE! In this 1-hour long presentation, I reveal how we helped Charlie Morgan SCALE his high-ticket coaching/course offer to $1M/month with YouTube Ads. And, I walk you through our entire agency's scaling process step by step so you can do it too. Here's the link to watch: Enjoy πŸ₯‚ -Brian 'Masterclass' Moncada
New comment Apr 24
I helped Charlie Morgan make $1M/month with YouTube Ads (here's how)
0 likes β€’ Apr 24
That's LIT - I love Charlie's content and the value he brings to his community
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James Deeb
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Unleash Your Brand | I Help Brands & Startups Get Instant Spotlight πŸ“° | Let's Elevate Your Online Presence!

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Joined Dec 13, 2023
Bay Area, San Francisco, CA
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