Hey everyone, I don't usually think anything I produce is awesome, but this is different and I think for me it is a new direction that I want the podcast to go down. Can you have a listen and let me know what you think? https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/0lIjAI1RFKb
From a legal perspective, how is it possible to be tried four times for the same offence? It strikes me as unfair to both the accused and the alleged victim to have to go through all this again. Legal explanations welcome!
I was checking the DPP guidelines and a third trial is 'exceptional circumstances', a fourth trial is beyond the scope of what I have found publicly (but I was always a mediocre researcher). I can't see it going beyond that point?
Hey all, I am back from a family tragedy. Thank you all for the love and support. Watch this space, my next podcast episode coming out this week is going to BLOW, your, Mind. Thanks, Jahan
Apologies amazing community. Unfortunately, I've been unwell and have been not producing content or been particularly proactive. I'm working through it all at the moment but should be back on deck shortly. Thank you, Jahan