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33 contributions to Dreamspear
Ep. 4 | An author’s script on entrepreneurship | Cillian Dunne
Hey everyone! If you get a chance go listen to episode 4 of Shakin' Hands with Cillian Dunne. Cillian is a Dublin-born investigative author and screenwriter who is now making waves in Manhattan Beach, California. From his debut novel at 22 to his latest work, "Dreams in Incarceration," Cillian's storytelling journey has been resilient and determined. With titles like "Death by a Million Papercuts" and "True West" under his belt, Cillian's passion for writing led him to leave behind the 9-to-5 for a full-time pursuit of storytelling. He's faced challenges along the way, but his unwavering positivity and "I am going to do it" mentality have kept him going. We explore themes of second chances, manifesting positivity, and the realities of burnout in modern work life. You can find Cillian's work on Amazon in the link below. Cillian Dunne Instagram:  / dunne.cillian Amazon Books: Shakin' Hands Podcast Website:
Ep. 4 | An author’s script on entrepreneurship | Cillian Dunne
Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way
The age-old adage "Where there is a will, there is a way" serves as a timeless reminder of the indomitable power of human determination. In the face of adversity, challenges, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, it's our will – that inner fire – that becomes the beacon leading us through the darkness towards achievement and success. This saying encapsulates not just the essence of perseverance but also the spirit of innovation and creativity that arises when we're pushed to our limits. The Power of Determination At the heart of every great achievement lies a story of someone who refused to give up. These stories often begin with a challenge that seemed too big to tackle, a problem too complex to solve, or a dream too distant to reach. Yet, it was the sheer force of will, the refusal to accept defeat, that turned the tide. Determination is that inner strength that helps us push through the no’s until we finally reach a yes, climb over every hurdle, and cross every barrier. Creativity Born of Necessity When faced with limited resources, conventional paths blocked, or the usual methods failing, necessity births innovation. "Where there is a will, there is a way" speaks to our ability to think outside the box, to find solutions where none seemed to exist. It's a testament to human ingenuity, showcasing that when our desire to achieve is strong enough, we find ways to make the impossible possible. Building Resilience The journey fueled by willpower is rarely easy. It's a path marked by failures, setbacks, and disappointments. However, each obstacle overcome is a lesson learned, making us stronger and more resilient. This resilience, forged in the fires of determination, becomes a foundational pillar of character, teaching us that our capacity to endure and persist is far greater than we often realize. Inspiring Others The pursuit of a goal with unwavering willpower is a powerful source of inspiration for others. It sends a message that with enough determination, any dream is achievable, any challenge surmountable. When we embody the principle of "where there is a will, there is a way," we not only pave the way for our own success but also light the path for those who follow.
Shakin' Hands Podcast Update
Hello all, I know a bunch of you were asking why the podcast wasn't posted this week. We will be resuming the podcast shortly. I hired someone to record video for the podcast so I want to get him situated before we record the next one. I am recording three this weekend so hang tight! Best, Jack
The Art of Visualization: Bridging Dreams and Reality
Visualization, often seen as the realm of dreamers, carries with it a scientific grounding that underscores its power in achieving tangible results. This practice, far from wishful thinking, is a well-documented strategy that athletes, entrepreneurs, and high achievers use to manifest success. At its core, visualization is about creating detailed mental images of desired outcomes, engaging not only the mind but also emotions and senses, thereby programming the subconscious towards specific goals. Scientific Underpinnings One of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the effectiveness of visualization comes from the world of sports psychology, notably the free throw experiment in basketball. In this study, participants were divided into three groups: one group practiced free throws every day for a month, another visualized making free throws without physical practice, and the third did neither. The results were astonishing. While the group that practiced physically showed a 24% improvement, the group that only visualized improved by an impressive 23% — without touching a basketball. This experiment highlights the brain's inability to distinguish between real and imagined scenarios, proving that visualization can significantly enhance performance, akin to physical practice. Why Visualization Works - Enhances Motivation: By visualizing your success, you emotionally connect with your goal, making it more tangible and thereby boosting your drive to achieve it. - Improves Focus: Regular visualization keeps your goals at the forefront of your mind, guiding your daily actions and decisions towards achieving those aspirations. - Builds Confidence: Visualization acts as mental rehearsal, preparing you for success and thereby building a strong sense of self-confidence. - Prepares You for Success: Beyond motivation and focus, visualization prepares you mentally and emotionally for the journey and challenges ahead, akin to a simulation exercise that primes you for real-life situations.
Standup Call March 25, 2024
Standup Call March 25, 2024
1-10 of 33
Jack Moran
17points to level up
Founder & CEO | Entrepreneurship Advocate | Ambassador for Work-Life Balance & Impact-Driven Causes | Fostering Personal Growth Communities

Active 46d ago
Joined Mar 12, 2024
Charleston, South Carolina
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