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55 contributions to Eternal Sons
When is the line crossed for having an opinion on someone and judging them?
This is something that I've struggled with for a while. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
New comment Sep 1
0 likes • Aug 25
Judgement is coming to a conclusion in your mind based on evidence or opinions from the past. So I don't see judgement as always a bad thing. All depends on context. I think the "judgement" you are referring to is when you have a thought about somebody that is conceited, prideful, arrogant, putting them down in any way. So that's when the line is crossed. You could say, "Maan that guy smells like a dogs anus." So is that wrong? Well, it's an opinion based on how bad they actually smell which might be truly REAL. But you are also judging them by comparing them to a mechanism that excretes a substance that smells awfully like the dude. Is that a bad judgement? It actually might be an accurate comparison. But it's all about your intensions. What's the intension? With that statement, it's likely to boost the ego or making friends laugh by putting people down. Perhaps people do this sort of thing in front of their friends who do the same thing to the point where they can't even tell the difference anymore. That means you need to change your friend group and surround yourself who actually care about people. Anyway, so it might be an accurate opinion (doesn't mean it's God's truth). If you were to say, "No matter how many times that dude showers, he'll never smell good and will never get a girlfriend." Now that's where it's considered wrongful/sinful judgement because you are saying there's no hope that that guy. Which is also cursing them because your negative STATEMENT is an enforcing statement. And cursing is witchcraft. So it's also wrong when the negative statement puts someone below yourself to elevate yourself. Your words carry a frequency. You will know immediately if your words are words of life or words of death. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Fixing this is a matter of cleaning your soul. The bible alone will not actually help you with this. The bible has information and filling your mind with good thoughts are a good powerful step and you will see small changes.
0 likes • Aug 25
@Adam Webb No problem man. ✝️
How do I stop people pleasing and being prideful/arrogant?
So when I was a non believer in secondary school (high school) and through sixth form (college) I had really low self esteem, as I was really self conscious and always concerned about what people would think about me, so I'd try and make as many friends as I could with the "popular" kids in school, but I'd create fake personalities around each person/group to try and fit in so that they'd like me and so that I'd feel as if I had some self worth. And tbh to this day I still people please a bit and do things and say things I don't want to to do and say just so I don't lose my friends even though they're pretty secular and I know I shouldn't be hanging out with them, but I've been friends/known most of them for close to half my life. Another thing that I've been doing recently as a coping mechanism or to reverse the years of feeling like I have a lack of self worth is hyper inflating my own ego to the point where I just constantly look down on people and judge them and think that I'm better than them, even though I'm not. And I really don't want to have these feelings and I know in the Bible it mentions countless times how being prideful and arrogant is wrong, but I just have so many intrusive judgmental and prideful thoughts and I do try and rebuke them, but I just have so many that it gets overwhelming. Any advice would be very appreciated.
New comment Aug 19
1 like • Aug 19
I'm sending you a DM to answer this.
Sorry guys
Sorry guys but I'm in Germany with my family for holidays and we are away all day running around and I have little time where I can use Skool,so I won't be very active,but I will let you know when I get back to being active
New comment Aug 23
1 like • Aug 19
That's okay Issac. Thank you for communicating this. God bless you and I release blessings over you and your family! ✝️
During Prayer Today
Hey guys! I wanted to share something with you. I was just waiting on God and allowing Him to speak with me and I heard very loud thoughts. 2 in particular that I going to share. First, I heard a voice that said to me today, "God's voice isn't changing you." Now that was an immediate shock. Whether it was my own thoughts, or the enemy I thought about this for a moment objectively and didn't OWN the thought initially. Because I've learned over the years that when when you hear something negative about yourself and choose to agree with it, it'll manifest and bind you up. So I immediately said, "No, I reject that thought." Because the truth is that God's word is alive and active and I know by now which voice sounds like my own soul, God's, and the enemy. I know which words bring life and which does not. The next voice I heard today said this, "What do you see me doing?" I recognized this voice right away and it sounded like God and I was reminded of Jesus saying this in John 5:19-20 "19 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed." So I was encouraged by God's invitation to just LOOK with my eyes closed. And I saw something I cannot share here. But just know that when you wait upon the Lord, God will give you strength. When you wait upon God, He will light up your world and show you how powerful and He is. The perfect compass for your life is inside of you. But are you actively checking that compass daily? Lastly, always sift through and be aware of the voices that may appear when you quiet yourself and wait upon God. Some thoughts that appear will help you, and some thoughts are by the enemy. But the spirit has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
New comment Aug 13
1 like • Aug 12
@David Choi you’ll get lots of those experiences! Just keep waiting on God and the more time you sow into your relationship, the more you will reap.
1 like • Aug 13
@Warren Ache we should hop on a call this week and I’ll share some of my knowledge with you based on scripture and personal experience how to hear God better 😎
It was fun
The fellowship call just finished,thank you all you guys who participated it was very fun and nice God bless you all Amen!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
New comment Aug 11
2 likes • Aug 11
Glad you enjoyed it!
1 like • Aug 11
@Warren Ache It was super fun! We'll do it again soon
1-10 of 55
Isaiah Chilian
1point to level up
✝️ I help God-loving entrepreneurs 😇 Owner of Eternal Sons 🎸 Musician

Active 3d ago
Joined Jul 1, 2024
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