Followers 3
Connie Totman
DeLand Florida
• Active 6h ago
Bio: Creating a Food Forrest for my grandson isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I've made all the rookie mistakes & just keep planting 🌱 God's plan
Zane Greathouse
• Active 6d ago
Bio: I am a retired elementary school teacher, butterfly farmer, and host/guide for Costa Rica. I have a baby food forest that is less than a year old.
Susan Patton
• Active 5d ago
Bio: Inexperienced Gardener-Environmental/planning background, Zone 8b, 30 tiny fruit trees/urban lot in dangerous area.Goal=add hidden edibles to violets
1-3 of 3
Hope Willis
Artist, Homesteader, Natural Healing Geek, Plant Hoarder, Book Addict, Purveyor of Bad Puns, Sucker for Animals, Lucky Partner of COG (best man ever)

Active 4d ago
Joined Jul 31, 2024
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