Fibonacci Meditation for Equinox and Embodying Higher Versions of Self
Hi All! I wanted to share a meditation I created between 9.9 and 9.18. It includes frequencies that are derived from the Fibonacci sequence which help us connect and receive healing from alternate realities. An excerpt from my teacher's book: "The Fibonacci Tuning Forks are designed to resonate with the pathway of consciousness from the sphenoid/pituitary axis to the pineal gland. Their main purpose is to open gateways into alternate realities and to explore higher states of consciousness in order to empower a creative healing response. For this reason, they are excellent sound healing instruments, especially when they are used for working with creativity, vision quests, addictions, and healing traumas." - John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D Some of the inspiration came from this video Pam Gregory and Magenta Pixie My experience (in brief) while creating and listening back later has been an expanded state accompanied by excitement and euphoria. My stressors fell away and I found myself effortlessly playing the game of "what if" in a positive way rather than negative way. This spontaneously occurred along with all the accompanying feelings of actually living this other life. Additionally, various energy centers in my body felt as if they were opening. I hope this can be useful to someone, especially considering how much joining this group helped me around this time last year.