Bio: Hullo! I am Christine Craft and if I’m not crafting new Brand Designs or llustrative swag, I’m typically found out in the wild with my wolf pup Ragnar
Bio: üzletember | coach | író | játszottam hangszeren | rajzolok | festek | 17 évig külföldön éltem: London,Tahiti,Fiji. Anyagilag független ember vagyok.
Bio: A creative artist, transforming waste into captivating paintings, unique furniture, and intricate sculptures by up-cycling, reusing, and recycling.
Bio: Artist from young age took a break for 15 yrs now as an emtpy-nester. Painting is life & I paint daily to make up lost time. + helps my MS. Love AU.🥰
Bio: Love watercolor best & enjoy oils. Using both in plein air for landscapes. Studied scientific botanical illustration watercolor at Longwood Gardens.