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🌟 Sanctuary's Foundational Poll 🌟
We are thrilled to have you as our founding members, and now it's time to dream big! This community is not just about journaling—it’s about creating a space that fulfills your wildest dreams and needs. Imagine this: If there was a place where you could [X], what would [X] be? What would make the Sanctuary your ultimate go-to place? Imagine what would help you the most in your day-to-day life. How to Participate: 1. Comment Below: Share your ideas and suggestions in the comments. 2. Poll: We’ve created a poll for you to upvote your favorite ideas. (We have added a few options but feel free to completely ignore them) Let’s make the Sanctuary a place that truly reflects our collective vision and desires. Dream big and share your thoughts—together, we can create something extraordinary. Looking forward to your amazing ideas!
150 members have voted
New comment Jun 1
18 likes • May 22
I would love to hear about how others have gotten back into the habit of journaling after falling out of it... looking for ideas myself!
🎉Welcome to the Sanctuary (Start Here)
Let's start by getting to know each other! Please take a moment to introduce yourself in the comments below. Here are a few prompts to help you get started: - Your name and where you're from - Your favorite hobby or interest - One thing you're looking forward to in this community RULES (because we need them): To ensure a positive and respectful environment for everyone, please keep the following guidelines in mind: - Be Respectful: Treat everyone with kindness and respect. We’re here to support each other. - Stay on Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the topic of the thread or group. - No Spam: Avoid posting irrelevant links or advertisements. Spammers will be removed. Feedback That Matters We’re committed to making this community the best it can be. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or feedback, please let us know. Together, We Thrive Remember, Sanctuary is more than a community—it’s a movement. A movement towards authenticity, depth, and true connection. By being here, you are taking a step towards a richer, more meaningful life. Welcome to Sanctuary. Welcome to a place where you belong.
New comment 4d ago
1 like • May 21
@Alex H I probably should have specified lol... I work in preschool, so the kiddos I work with are 2-5. I think I've seen "My Shadow is Purple" on a shelf once or twice... I should pick it up and take a look!
1 like • May 21
@Mal Trip I'm a recovering perfectionist myself, and one of my favorite things to do to almost combat that is what I call "no-plan doodling" on scrap paper... It's pretty self-explanatory, you just put pen to paper and draw/write/color whatever feels good in the moment... It has helped me gain a little bit of confidence with art, plus it helps me give myself a little bit of grace when things aren't perfect because there was no plan anyway!
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Grace Hoover
24points to level up
Brand new to adulthood :) Trying to find routine, peace, and normalcy in my rapidly-changing life.

Active 119d ago
Joined May 21, 2024
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