If you didn't already know this--and, trust me, this took a loonnnnnggg time for me to learn--CEOs make a huge difference to the performance of a company and, by extension, its stock price. Starbucks got a new CEO today (the ex-CEO of Chipotle) and the stock rallied 23% in one day... all because of one person. If he can turn around Starbucks like he turned around Chipotle in March 2018, investors are looking at a fantastic investment. There are lots of issues, though... What do you think? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/starbucks-ceo-shakeup-sends-investors-buzzing-but-its-new-leader-faces-an-uphill-climb-195000389.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKan2Fg_VBQIJ8SlSxlVrptAkRWIAD6STUlPK_FKyF-mD90Ex0MJfe7mCIffg1sOaaPime85R2s3q4q5e5Q6dJiaSuD84WQMaxtyG8Vt5xGP0AcelZ-it3I-DAUxx_i6J0fbmxOsfQjHooMXCfZAFa0Ss0NGWHeiJfJWHvXEV5xL