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21 contributions to Facilitator Club
What worked and what DIDN'T work at AJ&Smart in 2023
Hey Workshoppers! Not sure how many of you here are interested in the "business running" side of the whole facilitation game, but I've been running AJ&Smart for the past 13 years and I occasionally talk about how it's going on my podcast "The Unscheduled CEO". Yeah, another fucking podcast.... It's an unedited, chaotic, messy shit-show of a podcast that I only do as a sort of personal journal (which is why I rarely share it in AJ&Smart's marketing). BUT it could be interesting for you if you're interested in the behind-the-scenes of running a business like AJS. One of the most recent episodes I talk about what went well and what we really fucked up in 2023, might be a good starting point: You can get the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts (Spotify, Apple, Google, Overcast, whatever) And please please please don't expect anything polished, this is really a passion project :) Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Feb 7
1 like • Feb 1
Loved that, @Jonathan Courtney I'm a fellow 7-figure CEO and I can relate to many of your trials and tribulations. Thanks for the unfiltered honesty.
Team workshop: Goal: everyone is important
Hy, I have to do a workshop for small groups of 5 participants. The goals of the exercise is to emphasize that every one in the company is important. We can not function if one role is out. Does anyone has a good exercise? Duration of workshop = 30 min
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
Hey @Caroline Van de Venne If it's a team that will work together, you could create a Team Charter. Here's how: you give them one single question, for example: 'what are the principles that should guide our [project/work together etc]? Then you let them all think about and write down the principles they believe should apply (do this quietly and on their own. If the group is larger, use a 1-2-4 all). To make it more playful, you can ask them to write them as commandments 'though shall/shall not...' When that's done (10 mins max!) You then paste all of them up and jointly look at the results. There are always themes emerging that you can group and discuss. This discussion is where 'everyone is important' comes into play. You want to make sure they all get their say. In the discussion, you whittle them down into 4-5 principles. At the end, you ask them: Is this something that you can sign up for? If yes, you literally get them to sign the sheet and take a picture. I've done with groups from 4-100 and never not had a yes from everyone. Plus, they have something tangible to take away from the session. If it's of interest, I can tell you more. Good luck with the workshop!
Using Sounds
Dear Workshoppers, do you use sounds (samples) and music (songs or loops) in your online workshops and training sessions? If yes, how do you do that? I wonder what is the best and easiest option in terms of software and hardware. Do use audio interfaces like Elgato Wavelink, Focusrite Vocaster or Rode Streamer X? Zoom, Teams or other Conferencing Software? How do you mix and monitor your sounds? What's your bullet proof software / hardware combo? Thank you for your tipps, hints and potential pitfalls... 🙏
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
One thing to note when using sound in online workshops: it can come out very differently for different participants. I once used some quiet background grooves during an exercise but there were two people who complained about the noise. Turned out that Miro can sound very different and when you're on the phone! So I would always ask first. Some people prefer to work quietly.
Workshop on company values for an INGO
Hi, Has anyone developed a workshop around company values? So here's the thing, an INGO company wants to run a 2 day workshop for its employees around the existing values. Would really like to hear from anyone who can help me with this.
New comment Oct '23
3 likes • Oct '23
I often work with an article from Patrick Lencioni in HBR called 'Make your values mean something'. He differentiates between aspirational, permission-to-play, lived and core values. It can be very helpful for example to ask: would your competitor or any other business in your field also have these values. Think 'safety' in oil and gas. That would indicate a permission-to-play value. Not wrong, but something you would expect, therefore not unique in defining a company culture. You can also use these categories to test tghe existing values. Happy to share more if of interest
How do you allow feedback without giving the disruptors a stage
Hello fellow Workshoppers, I'm running a series of brand strategy workshops and am presenting the results today. The results are an edit of the work that the participants have created so there shouldn't be much need for discussion, but intuitively, I would want to give a minute for reflection and a few minutes for feedback. From experience, that opens the possibility that somebody isn't happy for one reason or another and starts to affect the the energy in the room. Any tips?
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Sep '23
For anyone interested: I decided to just present the facts and didn't give them any time to feedback. I figured it was their work so they didn't need t reflect again. Worked very well.
1-10 of 21
Gilmar Wendt
41points to level up
Change Companion, CEO of GW+Co – creative change for engineers and makers. B2B brand specialist, Collaborative Design practitioner

Active 4d ago
Joined Apr 13, 2023
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