After having one done on me by a fantastic expert I got to know and finding great benefits I would regularly use the same process he showed me on myself and have found this incredibly beneficial. My growth in the lord has exploded and my hang ups, anxiety, depression etc have all but lifted. I do it quite regularly and consider it 'taking out the trash ' :-) People should really know how easy it is to claim the power of Jesus to break our own chains.
Are you Christian? What’s your brief testimony? What belief/denomination are you? Why are you here? What is your experience with the spiritual world and demons?
My wife and I were life long Atheist and lived the high life in the media in AU. Tried everything the 'celeb' lifestyle had to offer for 20 years. Got more depressed than ever so decided to give everything we owned away to the poor and set out around the world looking for the meaning of life. (My intention was to disprove God once and for all) We lived with Krishnas, Buddhists, Hindus, Witches, Pagans, Tribes, Gurus, etc etc 7 years 33 countries later we MET Jesus in a mind blowing life changing way. Been interested in the spiritual battle subject ever since.