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22 contributions to Men of Action Forum
The impact of cold approach pickup
From my personal experience, pick up has rewired my biological brain from being depressed and sad after break up to having and gaining my confidence in myself again it is a motivator and a fun activity that I practice often. I really do enjoy it with all my heart.💥
New comment Jun 10
0 likes • Jun 2
@Danny Jones man I’m not judging but Just giving my thoughts based on what you said Looks like you’re the one that assume that they hate you As far as you told us with your words You hate yourself Seems hard but Try to inverse this belief When going out declare to yourself: “I love myself, I’m awesome, and I’m going to have fun by amusing myself” For me it looks like you’re putting too much pressure trying to figure out how to amuse them and make them happy Next time you go out just try to amuse yourself and make yourself happy Be on your own journey Ask nothing from them, you don’t need them And you will attract them And best of all: you will be happier, your nights out will be lighter
0 likes • Jun 10
@Danny Jones no man, I get it May I share a different perspective? Are you the same today, as you were when you had 3 years old? Not at all We can change bro “This is who I am” is a lie you’re telling yourself, or someone told you someday and you believed in it Free yourself bro You won’t find peace of mind in any girl One one girl accept you , it doesn’t mean that others will start accepting you instantly Let me ask you this: If you hate yourself, how would you expect girls to love you? “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” Start loving yourself first. You can’t love others if you don’t have love in you. Peace -Gabriel ☕️
No results no motivation
I made a lot of good healthy decisions the last 11 years, however I am loosing discipline, I am not hitting the gym 4-5 times a week anymore, it’s more like 3 times. I’m skinnier and it’s still not enough, how exactly do you stay motivated when it doesn’t matter, your not perfect so they don’t want you, why out any more effort in? I am a results driven individual and I have the discipline to stay away from fast food but 28-33 have been the healthiest years of my life and I have the same results I did from 17-27. So life is just constant work with no pay off? I don’t know how to get a lean action figure like physique
New comment Jun 3
0 likes • Jun 2
How will you stay motivated if the center of your life is women??
Value Arbitrage: How To Get Into The DJ Booth
Who has tried this?
New comment Jun 2
Value Arbitrage: How To Get Into The DJ Booth
0 likes • Jun 2
Drinks at the bar
Other than what water or soda what non alcoholic drinks do y'all order at the bar?
New comment Jun 2
0 likes • Jun 2
Hack: water + lemon + just a bit of salt helps hydrating and recovering energy
3 powerful openers for you to use:
1. Hey... excuse me... I was just curious... do you always look this good or is today just special? 2. Excuse me... if i didn't say hi i knew i would have regretted it later... I'm Jay... (reach for hand)... 3. (eye contact) (smile) - if she smiles back stop and say "How's it going? I'm Jay" Don't want to put too many as it may overwhelm you nervous overthinkers out there. Use these over the next week. Repeat them. Don't try to do anything different. (Apart from change it from my name to your name) During each of the approaches remember to SMILE! Have good EYE CONTACT (smile through your eyes) - practice in front of a mirror so you don't look creepy. Be FUN, LIGHT, and BREEZY! Those are the traits you should embody for best results. And just have fun... see where it goes... don't be attached to the outcome... just explore and see what happens... you get butterflies and smiles and numbers and instant dates... cool. OR You get slaps, rejections, laughed at and embarassed... also cool. The aim is just to experiment and have fun with it. Good luck gentlemen.
New comment Jun 2
1 like • Jun 2
@Jordan Woods once you are indeed a high value man, maybe you don’t need cold approach as much But until you get there It’s an awesome skill to have It has helped me in business also
1-10 of 22
Gabriel Araujo
25points to level up
Copywriter • Emails • VSL • Long Form

Active 27d ago
Joined Nov 29, 2023
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