How To Make a Boring Video Fun To Watch
Have you ever clicked on a video and immediately felt bored because the creator spent the first few minutes explaining everything? You feel like, “Get to the good stuff already!” But here’s the thing: sometimes, you need exposition 🗣️ It’s crucial for setting up the story or giving context. But the problem is… most creators deliver it in a way that’s boring and makes viewers click off 💤 So how do you keep viewers hooked while delivering the info they need? Let me introduce you to a technique called… 🔑 Pope in the Pool This storytelling technique comes from the screenplay “The Plot to Kill the Pope” There’s a scene where the Pope’s advisors give the pope a bunch of information. Sounds boring, right? But it’s not, because the Pope is swimming laps in a pool fully clothed during this conversation. The unexpected visuals make the explanation way more interesting and keeps you distracted while they give exposition. And you can apply this to YouTube videos. Instead of dumping info, pair your explanation with something entertaining: fast b-roll, funny cutaways, or even unexpected memes. 🔑 The key is to have two things going on at the same time: (1) exposition and (2) something entertaining that distracts the audience from noticing that they are being fed exposition. So if you’re the creator, instead of sitting still and just talking, think of ways to make the scene visually engaging while explaining things. But if you’re the editor, hopefully your client already does this for you, and makes your job easy. But if not, here’s what to do… 🔑 Tell your clients about this technique if they explain things too much and for too long. Not only will it improve their videos, but it’ll make you appear as an expert, increasing your value 🤓 So if your clients didn’t do this while filming, then you need to make up for it in the edit if you can. So next time you’re editing, ask yourself: 1. What can I show here to keep people entertained while this info is delivered?