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Abundant Thinking Academy

Public • 77 • $19/m

Make your mind so strong that nothing can stop you. Not ready for the investment? No problem, listen to my podcast linked below for free!


9 contributions to Abundant Thinking Academy
The MOST powerful morning routine
Wake up and start the work immediately. Morning routines are good but sometimes are too much. Try getting up and doing the work immediately, this way there is less limbic friction. But a nice 15 minute meditation never hurt anybody ;)
Importance of Reading
Books play a crucial role in our lives, offering numerous benefits that go beyond simple entertainment. In a world where digital media dominates, the importance of reading books remains significant for personal growth, mental development, and understanding different cultures. Firstly, reading books is essential for mental growth. When we read, we actively engage with the text, which helps to sharpen our thinking, comprehension, and analytical skills. Unlike watching TV or scrolling through social media, reading demands our full attention, which improves memory and focus. Studies have shown that regular reading can help keep our minds sharp as we age and improve our overall mental abilities. Secondly, books are a great tool for personal development. They provide us with insights into different lives, cultures, and experiences, which can help us develop empathy and emotional intelligence. By stepping into the shoes of various characters and exploring new settings, we can better understand and appreciate different perspectives. This can challenge our own beliefs and broaden our horizons, making us more open-minded and understanding. Books also serve as a treasure trove of knowledge and history. They preserve the thoughts, discoveries, and stories of previous generations, connecting us to the past. This continuity is essential for learning and growing as informed individuals. For example, reading classic literature or historical accounts gives us context for today’s issues, helping us make connections between past events and current situations. Also, good reading skills are vital for success in school and many careers. Reading regularly can expand our vocabulary, improve our writing, and boost academic performance. It also teaches us patience and perseverance, qualities that are valuable in every aspect of life. In an age where information is often consumed in short, digital bursts, the deep concentration required for reading is more important than ever. It promotes a slower, more thoughtful way of processing information, leading to better understanding and reflection. This contrasts with the quick, shallow engagement typical of digital media, which can lead to scattered thinking and shorter attention spans.
How to Maintain Endless motivation to Work on Your Goals (very powerfull)
This is a quick guide on how I stay motivated throughout the day. This can be used at any time of the day. All you need for this is the Notes app on your phone. (I recommend using your phone notes rather than pen and paper so you can look at it any time) Open the notes app and title it "Benefits of Achieving My Goals" or "Reasons I Must Achieve My Goals" once you have your title just start writing the first things that come to mind when you visualize your success. Just keep writing your reasons down until you can't think of anymore. I was able to write down 40+. Here are some examples of some Rewards I wrote for my goal of financial freedom: - Retire my parents - Never have the stress of being poor - No 9-5 - Able to network with other entrepreneurs - Dress Properly - Able to invest in my health and education - Never have the stress of being broke - etc Now that you have written down the positives of achieving your goals. Now focus on the negative. Focus on what your life would look like if you never accomplish your goal. Write down everything that would make you angry, unhappy, and unfulfilled. some examples of not achieving financial freedom: - Constant finacial stress - Take orders from a boss - Hard time providing for yourself and your family - Hard to pursue your interests - etc You can do this with any goal you have. Now that this is in your notes you can come back to it at any point. So whenever you don't feel like doing your work or procrastinating just open your notes and read through what you wrote down and visualize yourself on each side and what your life would be like.
New comment May 26
2 likes • May 26
I love it man!! That’s awesome. Great idea, definitely something I need to do.
Where can I find the courses?
I’m having a hard time finding the courses in the community, are there any courses published?
New comment May 24
0 likes • May 24
Yes the courses are published. Go to the "Classroom" Tab to find the courses.
Welcome everybody I am super happy to have you here! Familiarize yourself and ask any questions if something comes up.
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Elan G
8points to level up
Learn how to be Mentally Unstoppable. Podcaster, Content Creator, and Community Owner.

Active 89d ago
Joined May 21, 2024
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