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NuLeaf Credit Academy

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Master your credit with our 4-Step System. Free, effective, community-supported. Transform your credit health today!


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Credit Accelerator ⚡

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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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Doing Deals Remotely

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Wealthy Off Credit Academy

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(Free)The Creditprenuer Group

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38 contributions to NuLeaf Credit Academy
90% Discount On Chase Debt 🔥
Got this offer from a friend of mine for a Chase account for a 2 year old charged off account. Original balance was $39,617.52 and they were willing to settle for $3,961.76 which is basically a 90% discount AND they were willing to give him 4 months to pay it off meaning 4 installments of $990.44 Keep in mind the Statute Of Limitations on debt in the state where he’s from (NY) is only 3 years so that could have A-LOT to do with it. Remember what i said on my previous post, it’s not just about how much money you get from the banks, it’s about WHO you owe that money too 😉 Do you think Wells Fargo, American Express or TD bank would offer a similar discount? Doubt it.
New comment 6d ago
90% Discount On Chase Debt 🔥
1 like • 6d
@Chris Campbell they will be able to 2 years or so post charge off date and since this discount was given 2 years after charge off date then it’s a big possibility client might be able to join shortly after. Fun fact i found out recently: if client were to get sued by a law firm on behalf of chase, these discounts wouldn’t be possible anymore. So if Rubin & Rothman sued the client on behalf of chase then the discount instantly goes from 90% off to 40-45% off
1 like • 6d
@Chris Campbell yea those bozos should of hit the high road in 2021
Very Interesting Article On The BILT Credit Card
EDIT: Community member @Marlita Williams found a free link for those who don’t have WSJ
New comment 16d ago
Very Interesting Article On The BILT Credit Card
1 like • 16d
@Marlita Williams you’re the best !!! I’ll update the link
A chess move ♟️- Thinking 2 steps ahead.
It can be easy to think that a $50,000 Credit Card from Chase is Equal to $50,000 Credit Card from TD bank 💳 = 💳 At face value it might seem the same, both giving you $50,000 but like a good chess player one must think 2 moves ahead ♟️ In life, shit happens. We all love to think that we’re going to take $50,000 and flip it. In a perfect world it will work out 100% of the time. Unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world. So here’s what happens if you CAN’T pay back the $50,000 with each bank. Chase Bank 🏦- $50,000 gets charged off after 180 days, they assign the debt to an In-House collection company that does NOT report separately on your credit report. ⏰ The older the debt is, if you’re nice at negotiating you can get a 80% discount or more on the debt. Yup this means that $50,000 you owed can be settled for $10,000 Now let’s look at TD bank TD Bank 🏦- After 180 days the debt gets charged off. In some cases depending on the debt they will assign the debt not to a collection company but a LAW FIRM. The law firm is quick to sue on TD bank behalf in order to get a judgement against you but the good news is that they are willing to settle ⏰ they will be willing to settle for around a 35-40% discount. Meaning if they’re feeling generous they’ll settle your $50,000 for $30,000. So keep this in the back of your mind It’s not just about who gives you the money, but think about what happens if you can’t pay that money back, what’s your next move ♟️
New comment 16d ago
A chess move ♟️- Thinking 2 steps ahead.
1 like • 22d
@Jerry Stanford thanks Jerry, definitely something to think about when making decisions. $50,000 is great but incase of emergency i rather owe it to a bank who’s not quick to sue and is flexible with negotiating balances
0 likes • 16d
@Christian Garcia anytime bro!
When Debt Collectors Can't Sue You, The Stigma Behind Bankruptcy & Why You Shouldn't Get A Loan In Kentucky
Hey Everyone hope you're all having a phenomenal day i just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that I just dropped 6 videos & 1 info post over in the Debt Resolution Section. Although the Debt Resolution section is not fully complete, I wanted to send this out in case anybody wants to get a head start. Here is why the 6 videos I dropped & Info post are so important Statute Of Limitations ⏰ - This video breaks down why knowing the statute of limitations on your debt is so important (Hint: If your old debt is past the statute of limitations it becomes OPTIONAL to pay it) Statute Of Limitations By State 📰- This is not a video but an info post. Inside you'll find the 4 categories of debt AND you'll be able to see what the statute of limitation is for each category for each state 🔥 Time-Barred Debt 🔐 - This video is important because once the debt is OUTSIDE of the statute of limitations it becomes known as TIME-BARRED DEBT, but what does this mean exactly, and how can you use this If a creditor is suing you? Item Got Removed, Should I Pay It ❔ - This breaks down my thought process on why you should consider paying off old debt AFTER it has been removed from your credit report. Bankruptcy Chapter 7 vs Chapter 13 💰 - What's The difference between these two completely different types of bankruptcy that you as a consumer have access to? I also give my opinion on which type of bankruptcy is better.
New comment 22d ago
🏢 Need a Physical Business Address? Get Creative!
I got some insights on a common topic among us…
Finding a physical address for your business in your target bank's territory. Despite all the talk about virtual addresses and P.O. boxes, using them can sometimes lead to issues with your bank accounts. So, what are the alternatives, especially if your business is registered in a state different from where you reside? Here’s the lowdown on getting a physical business address and why it's crucial: 1. **Why Not Virtual?** First up, while virtual addresses are great for mailing, banks can be iffy about them. I’ve learned that some banks might even shut down accounts if they realize you’re using a virtual address. 2. **Physical Address with a Suite:** You can use your home address by adding a suite number. It’s simple and effective. I’ve done this by labeling my home office as Suite A, B, or even 1a depending on what makes sense. This can often satisfy the requirements without much hassle. 3. **Working with Realtors and Local Businesses:** I found a fantastic workaround by reaching out to real estate offices. Many have extra space and are willing to let you use their address for a small fee. I negotiated with a local realtor and had a deal for $150 a month just for mailbox use. 4. **Community Groups for Office Space:** Don’t underestimate the power of local Facebook (and soon Skool) or mom groups. These groups are treasure troves for finding shared office spaces or even landlords who are flexible with address use. It was through one of these groups that I found my current office space. 5. **Expanding Across State Lines:** If you’re looking at business credit opportunities in states like Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas, or more, consider setting up as a foreign entity in those states. It makes dealing with local banks much smoother and opens up numerous funding opportunities. Whether it’s local community banks or national ones, establishing a strong relationship can help you navigate the complexities of business banking. I visit the banks in person to set a solid foundation for future transactions.
New comment 27d ago
1 like • 27d
@Winston Sam what’s your favorite co-working spaces?
1-10 of 38
Credit Enthusiast since 2015 💳 $60,189.49 in debt by 22 💰 Seen both sides of the credit coin 🪙 Instagram @canyouclickhere

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Joined Jan 23, 2024
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