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732 contributions to The IRL Game 🌎
Weekend Vibes: Work & Family Time
The weekend’s almost here! What’s everyone up to? I’ll be working most of it, but I’ll squeeze in some family time with a little nature getaway to escape the work stress.
New comment 18m ago
Weekend Vibes: Work & Family Time
Impulse Control
Going through the classroom on consume less - @Chris Wilson asked us to post on what impulse buys I have and what are my financial goals. As for the financial goals, I have posted about it before. For the impulse - believe it or not - I love to learn. And my spending tend to be on learning activities. Whether programs and seminars, books or courses - I love them all. Sometimes I would buy just to have it. Lately, I have been in much control and make a decision based on what I need right now and not what I may need or will need etc.
New comment 4h ago
Impulse Control
2 likes • 4h
@Roey Naim what made you do it? Especially for someone who loves sweets
2 likes • 4h
@Roey Naim Exactly, gotta set those boundaries! Are you already working on your "coach look" or still figuring out the style that fits you?
Weekend Plans
What is everyone doing this weekend? My wife is out of town watching her neice so I will be at home working! How about you?
New comment 4h ago
Weekend Plans
2 likes • 1d
@Alicia Dane I guess so😁
1 like • 4h
@Alicia Dane :D
Honesty without kindness is manipulation
Yesterday, I was chatting with my friend about a photo that I think about daily. It's the photo about the wolf and sheep. First, I'll explain the photo if there are still confusions. The wolf tells the sheep, "you were born to feed me. I was born to kill you. This is our reality." He is honest, but he is not kind. There is brutality in his eyes, violence in his fur. The sheep stays at his spot, seemingly giving up in running away. The wolf considers this a kindness on his part. To not struggle is to sacrifice, and that is a kindness the wolf appreciates. But the sheep is not honest with his kindness. He does not tell the wolf about the trap that lays underneath its paws. He is silent in the confrontation between prey and predator. There is no evil or good in this pic. There is only humanity depicted by a wolf and a sheep. I remember seeing it for the first time—I asked myself, what does it mean by kindness without honesty? What kindness is there without a shred of honesty? And how brutal can honesty be without kindness? My questions seem redundant but I did question alot about it 😂. What do you think? This pic made me and my friend do a philosophy hour lmao.
New comment 1m ago
Honesty without kindness is manipulation
3 likes • 15h
That’s such a deep take! Honestly, kindness without honesty feels like a form of deception, right? It’s like offering peace but not being upfront about the consequences. And the flip side, honesty without kindness, can be harsh, like truth with no regard for feelings. It’s wild how that pic captures both sides of human nature. How did your friend see it, or did you guys end up on the same page?
2 likes • 4h
@Obioma Ihionu Haha, I feel that! Philosophy can definitely get heavy after a long day. So, what’s your take on balancing kindness and honesty?
20 Minutes A Day!
I've been struggling to get in my daily workouts lately and it has started telling on my general physical well-being. I am well aware that ranting without action is simply a fool's errand that gets you nowhere, so today I decided to jump on the treadmill immediately I came in from school run, determined to run for 20 mins exactly, (micro win) to enable me get ready in time for work. Now why was this difficult for me before now? I had formed a habit of spending extra time in bed doing practically nothing but scroll through social media or have endless conversations with my husband until I find myself in a hurry to get ready for work. I consciously ended this bad habit today and I'm making this post hoping that someone else commits to ending one bad habit they've previously indulged in by tomorrow morning. This is accountability, let's walk the talk! Who's with me?
New comment 4h ago
20 Minutes A Day!
2 likes • 15h
@Obioma Ihionu never, til she get on her feet 😂
1 like • 4h
@Alicia Dane I am not giving up! 😂
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Chris Wilson
22,217points to level up
Making learning fun

Active 4h ago
Joined Jun 21, 2024
Dixon, IL
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