@Marco Piedrabuena 1. RFIs are sent through via email from the Contractor to the Administrator, where we evaluate and lodge them in an excel register manually. This is constantly subject to syncing issues and reporting issues if someone forgets. It also means any/all correspondence needs to be recorded manually, which takes time away from more important tasks. I want to automate this process by identifying any RFIs in anyone’s inbox, then filing these using MS lists, where information cells will be populated based on the information in the email. This will be done using an internal AI system developed for Aurecon. 2. Progress of my goals for October: - small scale testing of RFIs done, debugging done, I will begin large scale testing next week. - weight currently 98 kg, I will need to be the most focussed on this goal and increase my activity over the rest of the month. - Application complete. Next goal will be completion of the paper, which will be in November.