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Rentals To Riches Free

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5 contributions to Rentals To Riches Free
My own experience: Airbnb Arbitrage
I wanted to share some insights for anyone considering Airbnb or Airbnb Arbitrage. For the past two years, I've been doing Airbnb arbitrage in Arizona while living in Colorado. Despite new regulations and increasing competition in short-term rentals (STR), I've found it to be incredibly profitable when approached correctly. Finding a successful property boils down to location and financial feasibility, and amenities. I rely on several tools to help me: Airdna for location scouting, Pricelabs to set my daily rates, BnBCalc for ROI calculations, and I also use Facebook groups for turnkeys. Additionally, I maintain a personal spreadsheet that calculates the maximum rent I can afford based on average revenue, expenses, and desired profit (I'm happy to share and explain how to use it). From my experience, I focus on cities and neighborhoods with a minimum 60% occupancy rate year-round, aiming for properties that can generate at least twice my monthly rent in income. This is to insure at least year round I will be generating cash flow and staying profitable after my expenses. From experience I realized what makes or breaks your property is where itโ€™s located. Understanding the unique characteristics of each city and neighborhood, and why certain areas generate higher revenue, is essential in securing a good deal. Another important aspect I want to share about Airbnb Arbitrage is you donโ€™t have to make it overly complicated. I found Airbnb to flow well when you have a solid team that can help you maintain your property and bring new ideas on how to improve guest stays. For those new to real estate or with limited investment capital, Airbnb arbitrage is an excellent way to enter the market and learn how to evaluate potential investments. If you're interested in learning more or need help understanding the process, feel free to DM me.
New comment 14d ago
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hey @Joey Gulino how did you find the property owner that allowed you to co-host with em?
1 like โ€ข 14d
@Keenan Rimbert nice work and good luck getting the next! have you ever cohosted with a property owner or do you air bnb your own properties?
New Lesson Learned
I was sent a property that looked great (to me), and the seller wanted to move quick. After analyzing it I immediately sent an offer and submitted the deal to a recommended lender. They told me they liked the numbers and could close in two days. 5 days after that I was still getting excuses and being asked redundant questions. Finally, at the last minute before signing to close, they pulled out. No reason, stopped answering emails and refused my calls. No clue what got up the lenders ass. I called people I've worked with that know him. They reached out, pleaded my case, vouched for me without result. All have said they don't understand his problem and couldn't figure out what happened. My next move was to call the seller and ask for help, and reach out to the tiny network I have. I thought I had everything in place and realized that I need a bigger network so I have back ups and more choices to put me in control. In the end, I now have more than one resource and am currently on schedule to close after the weekend. Because I was in a bad position I didn't get the best term but it's not terrible. All the numbers work, and besides it's only two of three payments anyways. I'm actually getting an Ok deal, a higher LTV than before. Only one of the fees is more, but that wont happen again So my lesson is to be better prepared by having more choices, not just one source.In this case, meaning a Lender, but also in every other category too. I'll never beg for money again. I'm submit to all of them and let them fight for me. We do this with estimates, car repair, everything else but it seems many of us try to stick with a lender or bank for some reason. Next up- Rehabbing two places at one time...
New comment 14d ago
1 like โ€ข 14d
good shit, got the deal closed and learned the lesson at a small cost. nice work Atila
[Easy Money Returns- Interest Rate Cuts Starting Sep 18th]
I have been meaning to write this post, but traveling throughout August got in the way. There was a post earlier about Macro factors and whether it is a good time to invest. I will address those concerns in this post, as well as covering an important shift in the RE market that is about to start in September. Alright, so as you all are aware, we have been in a highly inflationary market in the last ~3 years. To battle inflation, instead of limiting money printing and increasing supply, the Feds resort to manipulating the interest rate. Higher inflation --> Higher Rate. High rates are oppressive to gross domestic production GDP, Stock Market and businesses including RE. Think of this as a faucet knob. Lower interest rates = easier way for entrepreneurs to get funding for expansions, workforce and start new businesses, which means higher flow of commercial activities and money shaking hands. By contrast, higher rates means restricting that flow. If you ask me the system is very flawed and interest rates should not be dictated by a centralized planning entity, rather should be dictated by the free market and competition between local banks and lenders. But that is a longer conversation about the feds, inflation, monetary policy and market dynamics that would need a lot longer to discuss. Here is why this is important though and what you should know. *Inflation Rate*: According to the feds inflation has slowed down to 2.9% as of August. Their target is to get on the path toward 2%. If you ask me, the accuracy of the reported data is highly questionable but the general trend here is that inflation rate has slowed down. That means goods and services are not cheaper, but they are increasing in price more slowly. Inflation was reported at 9.1%+ back in June 2022. *Labor Market*: The Feds have a dual mandate. Maintain price stability and steady employment rates. Employment has risen from 3.5% in 2022 to 4.3% now (Frankly it is alot higher because of the inaccurate reports). The department of labor have also adjusted their newly added jobs by 818,000 for the prior 12 months period ending in Mar 2024. That is almost 30% less jobs than what was reported for that period. Layoffs have been frantic and frequent in 2023 and didn't slow by much in 2024. Job market is in trouble and the Feds have known that for a while, but the inflated job number reports have been helping them keep the interest rate higher for longer.
New comment 14d ago
1 like โ€ข 14d
Great post and points Mo. I have been searching hard for the last few weeks anticipating these cuts, trying to get my first property before these home prices start to climb again!
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New comment 21d ago
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Iโ€™m Dillon and these are my workspaces! I work as a full time farmer in central Oregon, part time retail sale manager for my business in San Diego, and have been diving into real estate investing the past couple years. I like my jobs but Iโ€™m ready to gain some freedom with buy and hold multi-family rentals.
1 like โ€ข 21d
@Antonio Cucciniello just some real estate stock investing so far. In my free time for the past year ive been researching where, what kind of home, what kind of investment(fix n flip, multifamily, build on raw land) to invest in, got preapproved, and even went to check out some fix n flip properties, but ive been scared to pull the trigger. Now im ready to get in the multi-family rental game. been searching all over for info like youre giving out so thank you for putting this together!
Introduce Yourself (All Intros HERE Please!)
In order to access the course you need to make 5 interactions with the group (likes, comments) - its really that easy. Start by introducing yourself to the group. I LOVE learning more about the cool people in this group and how we can help. Feel free to share where you are from, why you are here, what you do for a living, and what you makes you interested in real estate investing. Have fun here. Real estate is about meeting the right people and this is your opportunity to network! Also - don't underestimate the power of a network. Look at this network as your own. Give to others and have others give to you. It will take you a long way in the world of real estate.
New comment 4h ago
2 likes โ€ข 21d
Whatโ€™s up everybody, Iโ€™m Dillon. 32, from San Diego living in central Oregon. Ready to get out of farming and into buy n hold multi-family rentals. Looking forward to financial freedom!๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ
1-5 of 5
Dillon Gag
13points to level up
Looking to learn The ins and outs of buy and hold multi-family rentals

Active 9h ago
Joined Aug 26, 2024
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