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Be The Dude

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The Trickery of Goal Setting (Blog Post)
Clearly, I am a coach. Goal setting is wired into my DNA, and it’s a must to establish vision for who you desire to be. Whether a weight loss goal, financial goal, leadership goal, productivity goal, it doesn’t matter the subject, goals are steppingstones toward an ultimate vision of our desired selves. But there is a problem with goal setting that most people experience, and it’s keeping you from you ultimately leaping off that notepad that you wrote it down on, and making it a reality. We’ll call it the New Year’s Resolution Paradox. You know what I’m talking about. December rolls around and we all get fat and happy with the Holiday treats, time off, and memorable moments that are created during this wonderous time of year. And then December 26 rolls around and we are hit with the reality that life is about to pick back up again, and we better start making plans to get out of celebratory slothfulness. See, whether we are aware of it or not, we are rhythmic people. It’s created within us to work and rest, and if we don’t do it intentionally, life, or our own bodies, will do it for us. It’s good we come to the end of the year and take a break. As Christians, our weary world rejoices every year we come to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our savior. Oh, how we’ve longed for that saving grace, and need to be reminded of it often. The issue is how we go about “starting over”. Because that’s how we see it right? We are starting anew. A new shot at finally losing the weight. A fresh beginning to finally create that budget and live below our means. But just because the calendar rolls over and we come upon the next numeral post Christ’s birth, that doesn’t mean we start from ground zero. We should always be progressing, if anything, in maturity. Sure, it isn’t linear, but the trajectory should be climbing every year. With all of that aside, the main point here is that people get fired up to set a new goal. Karen write down in big, bold, purple marker, “LOSE 50 POUNDS!” circles it, and puts it on her fridge by way of her adorable “time for cat nap” magnet. She signs up for weight watchers (they have a new system, ya know? It will actually work WITH her this time, not against her). She buys new LuLu leggins, a size smaller, to motivate her even more, of course. Gym membership? Check!
New comment Oct 24
1 like • Oct 24
This was a great post Ryan!
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Del Wilson
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Christian. Dad to Luke.

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Joined Aug 15, 2024
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