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Community Builder

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Community builder helps you Scale your Skool community by bringing in loyal paying audience and maintaining them We write Skool post, Ads and Emails


Awakening With Brian Tribe

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Skool Affiliates

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Million Dollar Marketer (pro)

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Skool Community

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Creator Party

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Fruit Girl 🍉

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Copy MBA

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4 contributions to
Sell me this pen...
You've probably heard this question before, either in a job interview, a sales training, or a movie scene. It's a classic way to test your sales skills and approach, regardless of what you're selling. But how do you answer it? How do you sell a simple, everyday object like a pen? Well, there are many ways to do it, but I'm going to show you the best way. The way legendary copywriters have used to sell millions of dollars worth of products and services with words. The way that will make your prospects beg you to take their money. The way that will make you rich. Are you ready? Here it is: Don't sell the pen. Sell the dream. That's right. You don't Want to focus on the features or benefits of the pen itself. You want to focus on the emotional and experiential benefits that the pen can provide for your prospect. You want to paint a vivid picture of how their life will be better, easier, happier, or more successful with your pen. How do you do that? By asking questions. Lots of questions. Questions that will reveal your prospect's needs, desires, fears, and frustrations. Questions that will make them realize they have a problem that only your pen can solve. For example, you could ask: - What do you use pens for? - How often do you use them? - What kind of pens do you prefer? - What are some of the problems or challenges you face with your current pens? - How do those problems affect your work, your productivity, your creativity, or your mood? - How would you feel if you had a pen that never ran out of ink, never broke down, never smudged, and always wrote smoothly and comfortably? - How would that improve your work, your productivity, your creativity, or your mood? - What would that mean for your career, your business, your income, or your lifestyle? By asking these questions, you're not only gathering valuable information about your prospect's situation and motivation. You're also creating curiosity, interest, desire, and urgency in their mind. You're making them imagine the positive outcomes and emotions that your pen can deliver. You're making them want it.
How to Write Ads That Make Millions by Breaking All the Rules (And Why You Should Do It Too)
Have you ever felt frustrated or stuck with your ads? Have you ever wondered why your ads don’t get the response you want? Have you ever wished you could write ads like the pros? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re not alone. I’ve been there too. I know how it feels to write ads that don’t work. To waste time and money on ads that don’t convert. To feel like a failure as an advertiser. But I also know how it feels to write ads that do work. To make millions for my clients. To make them feel like a success as an advertiser. And I want you to feel the same way too. Look I'm not here to brag. I'm here to help you learn how to craft your own killer ads that will make your prospects drool, beg, and buy. So, what makes a great ad? Well, there are many factors, but one of the most important ones is creativity. Creativity is the ability to come up with original and surprising ideas that capture attention, spark curiosity, and persuade action. Creativity is what sets you apart from the boring and bland ads that clutter the market. Creativity is what makes your ad memorable and irresistible. But how do you become more creative? Well, there are many ways, but here are some of my favorite tips: - Study the best ads ever written. Learn from the masters. See how they use headlines, stories, emotions, benefits, guarantees, and calls to action. Copy their style, tone, and structure. But don't plagiarize. Use their ads as inspiration, not imitation. - Swipe ideas from other industries. Don't limit yourself to your own niche. Look at what works in other markets and adapt it to yours. For example, if you sell a weight loss product, you can borrow ideas from the fitness industry, the beauty industry, or even the fashion industry. How can you use their angles, hooks, or testimonials to sell your product? - Brainstorm with others. Two heads are better than one. Get together with other creative people and bounce ideas off each other. You can use twitter to connect with others who are eager to learn and share. You can also join communities like @Brian Moncada Adspend community where you can get feedback, advice, and support from experts in YouTube Ads.
How to Write Ads That Make Millions by Breaking All the Rules (And Why You Should Do It Too)
We Partnered With Patrick Bet-David For His ‘Vault Conference’, And Here’s What Happened…
If you have Internet access, you may have heard of some random dude called Patrick Bet-David. Not so well known, right? Complete stranger.… He’s only interviewed the most influential people on this Earth, and made MILLIONS helping other business owners reach their next level of success with bulletproof strategies that work even during a recession.… He’s interviewed people like Mike Tyson, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, Robert Kiyosaki, Andrew Tate, and so on… So, it’s safe to say that Patrick Bet-David knows what he’s doing when it comes to creating content AND sales. Yet, having a BIG NAME doesn’t guarantee success with a cold traffic audience. Yes, it does help. Don’t get me wrong.… But the reality is, even if someone has ‘heard of you’, that’s rarely enough to push people to buy… …Especially when it comes to a LIVE Event. And that’s the topic for today’s email. See, it all began last year after the last event (The Vault Conference), when one of my friends introduced me to Patrick Bet-David’s COO & Marketing Manager. At that time, they didn’t have much advertising running at all, and so I sent them a few strategies they could implement for their offers immediately. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting what was about to happen… I’ve been in this game long enough to know that these sales cycles for WHALE clients take months and months to work and close… …But after I sent those strategies (actual tactical advice), one thing led to another, and I actually ended up shaking hands with PBD for the first time at a UFC fight in Miami But that wouldn’t be the last time, because it only took a few months until his team partnered with Adspend to start working on his 2023 edition for The Vault Conference, taking place this August 30th - September 2nd, 2023 in Miami, FL.And this is massive… …Not only because Patrick Bet-David is one of the most well-known faces RIGHT NOW… …But because we had another invaluable chance to prove Adspend only works with the best of the best, and that we can deliver amazing results even if things don’t start off on the right foot.
New comment Dec '23
We Partnered With Patrick Bet-David For His ‘Vault Conference’, And Here’s What Happened…
1 like • Aug '23
This is fire honestly
Hey guys, I'm new here, but not new to the game of AD copywriting. My name is David, and I'm a writer who helps coaches, course creators, and agency owners scale their businesses with YouTube ads. I've been writing copy since I was 13, and I've learned from the best in the industry, including the legendary Gary Halbert. He was my mentor and inspiration, and I've studied his letters, books, and teachings religiously. He taught me how to write headlines that grab attention, bullets that summarize benefits, stories that sell, and calls to action that get results. I'm currently working on a project for a client who wants to launch a new course on Skool. My client wants to target aspiring contentpreneurs who want to learn how to create content that attracts, engages, and converts their audience. He also wants to position himself as an authority and a leader in this niche. I'm writing the script for his YouTube ad, and I'm looking for some feedback and suggestions from you guys. Please share your thoughts in the comments below. And if you want to learn more about me and my copywriting skills, feel free to DM me anytime. I'm always happy to help fellow copywriters and marketers. Cheers!
New comment Aug '23
2 likes • Aug '23
@Paul Haeberlein thanks Paul
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David Hale
10points to level up
WARNING: Do NOT DM me unless you are ready to use copy that sells and make a fortune with your words.

Active 1d ago
Joined Aug 12, 2023
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