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Owned by Dave

Master Melody Faster

Public • 18 • Free

Helping composers and songwriters to craft strong melodies on demand.


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9 contributions to Master Melody Faster
Free samples
My main problem is finding sample instruments that sound real four example violin cello viola for free (lack of funding)
New comment 49m ago
1 like • 2h
Yes that mythical combo of good and free is very tough to find. Especially for solo strings. The best solo strings I've found are Native Instruments Cremona Quartet, which are cheaper than most competitors, but still a fairly big investment. That said does a subscription service at around £10 a month which has loads of instruments, including solo strings - the Tina Guo cello is excellent, I use that a lot, and there is a solo violin...not sure about viola though. All the free instruments I've tried have been limited, although the free version of Spitfire Audios LABs is good, as are Crow Hill Company's free Vaults series. Best option as a step up from that is Musio, and to look out for the big sales, and some places like Sweetwater do huge discounts, but you have to check they are compatible, it can be a bit confusing.
0 likes • 49m
@Clair Litster yes you can start here there's just three main lessons so far, but that should be enough to get you going. It should also help with the block a bit if you can get your head around the ideas. I had to come up with a way to write melodies on demand for work I was doing, and ended up coming up with the three main concepts in these lessons as a result. Let me know how you get on!
Introduce yourself!
Hello! Welcome to Master Melody Faster! This course and community is here to help you boost your melody skills 😎 The first step is to introduce yourself IN THIS THREAD. So please post a reply to this post, don't start a new one, so it keeps things nice and tidy, ok? Feel free to say who you are, the type of music you make and any other details you want to share. Also please vote in the poll below so it gives me a good idea of who is here and how I can help you! **Please DO NOT make a new post, as those clog up the feed (they will be removed). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Best practices in this community: • Level up by posting insights and thoughtful comments. • Help others level up by liking 👍 good posts and comments. • Be kind and respectful • If you want to reply to a post, make sure to use REPLY instead of creating a new post • If you need quick help, you can also ask the community 🤝
11 members have voted
New comment 2h ago
1 like • 3h
@Dominik Škrabal well actually getting into a library can be very quick - I've gone from first contact to having stuff released in a week! But it's after that that the waiting game begins. But there's no hurry, if you feel like delving it at any point I'm happy to share my experience.
1 like • 2h
@Tom Higgins Hi, thanks its really cool to have this place but also kinda terrifying! I hope the melody course helps you out! It was my weakest area for a long time...
Arturias Pigments half price through NI! This is a great synth, fantastic sound and easy to use..and a lot of depth and flexibility - heartily recommend it, I use it almost every day.
New comment 3h ago
1 like • 3h
@Dominik Škrabal Hardware synths? I know nothing about them at all, sadly...I'm 100% software except for my guitar. It's well worth getting to grips with synths as there's a lot of them doubling orchestral instrument in hybrid and tension stuff. And getting used to programming arps is really useful, you need them all over the place. For soft synths I'd say Zebra and Hive from U-he and Pigments are my 2 most used. Kinda wish I'd got Diva instead of Hive and now there's so much overlap I can't really justify buying Diva as well :/
1 like • 3h
@Dominik Škrabal oh it doesn't need to be a deep study....I've found an hour or so of going through youtube tutorials is usually enough to get a decent working knowledge of a softsynth - and I usually just tweak presets anyway.
Thank you for having me
Hello 👋 I'm a composer who plays piano
New comment 4h ago
0 likes • 4h
My pleasure Clair, let me know if I can help with anything!
Coming up with chord sequences?
I just answered this on Reddit with my take: Anyone got any thoughts? Tricks or tips for generating ideas when uninspired?
New comment 38m ago
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Dave Graham
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Active 5m ago
Joined Jan 1, 2025
London, UK
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