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Easier Ways

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3 contributions to Easier Ways
🟣 I have a favor to ask...
I would like to ask everyone in this community who knows me a little favor. (Many of you have known me for years.) Please tell the brand-new members below who are landing here... Anything that you want to "About Me." There are two reasons: (1) I'd love to know what you think of me. (2) Since some people don't know me yet, they might want to know a little bit about who the leader of this community is, so I'd like to invite you to tell them! 👆 That's the BEST social proof in the world. I know it seems like a weird or selfish request...but it will also help bond the community together faster...and that's what I'm here to do. So, if you're willing, your contributions could be invaluable in kickstarting this community. It's purely optional, but I'm sure everyone entering will appreciate and benefit from your comments, and together, we can help this community grow. THANKS IN ADVANCE
New comment Oct 2
6 likes • Aug 26
I have known Randy personally for nearly 15 years. We have some shared background living in and growing up on or paths of recovery. I appreciate the way he can easily shift from “hat” to hat within his areas of expertise and practice. He has always shown a degree of compassion and empathy in dealing with various groups and individuals along his path. I am grateful for his continued friendship, his knowledge and the magnitude of his vision to reach out and touch a much larger audience. So thank you Randy… I do so appreciate your presence on this wild and often crazy experience of “living life on life’s terms”.
Welcome Friend!🚀 Tell the group a little bit about yourself... ✅ Post your answers to the following questions 1. Who are you? Where are you from? 2. Who do you help? What do you offer? 3. What do you like to do for fun? 4. What's the ONE BIG THING you'd like to get out of this community? Be sure to @ mention me, so I can learn more about you:)❤️
New comment Sep 29
4 likes • Aug 21
✅ Post your answers to the following questions: 1. Who are you? My Name is Daryl Hartlauer and have been active in the Recovery Community for more than 30 years. 2. Where are you from? Born in Az. Raised in California. 3. Who do you help? Anyone seeking to understand and overcome addictive behaviors or Mal-adaptive behaviors. 4. What do you offer? Peer Support, Life Coaching, Use of NLP and how to use their “tools” as well as acquire new approaches and insights to produce long term positive change. I have practiced a set of simple agreements in addition to more traditional 12step methods to elicit change for myself. I am familiar with a variety of treatment models including S.M.A.R.T. Recovery, SOS and other secular approaches, more established 12 Step models, Celebrate Recovery and native approaches to recovery incorporating some traditional ceremonies to achieve a balanced and connected life in an ever changing world. 5. What do you like to do for fun? Listen to music, photography and travel are three of my fondest activities. 6. What's the ONE BIG THING you'd like to get out of this community? CONNECTION… I believe in a model that states: The opposite of addiction is connection. That is Connection to self and a larger sense of community, connecting to family, friends, spirit and purpose.
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Daryl Hartlauer
8points to level up
Over 30 years discovering and applying tools for personal growth and development. Peer coaching and personal mentorship available upon request.

Active 28d ago
Joined Aug 18, 2024
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