1yr ago my personal ad account has been permanently restricted. At the time I didn't worry too much because I had spent just $100 on it. But now I want to resume running ads seriously. What are my options at this point? P.S. I had another business manager years ago that I used for another thing that also got restricted. Could that be the reason why I was blocked from using this one?
@Carl Sarfi at the time of creating this business manager I had given full access permissions to my girlfriend's account as a security backup. Can I use this to advertise? But if I go to the Ad accounts section to switch, it doesn't let me do it --> you can see the error in the screenshot
@Carl Sarfi I see. Should I log out only on Business Manager or also on Facebook? Because this is my personal page and I use it to post content, chat, groups, etc.
Do you guys use your FB page to reach out & communicate with clients? Personal page messages don't go through to GHL. If this is the case.... how do you get into groups & reach out to leads without coming off spammy?