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Property Accelerator

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Development Mastermind

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Daley Bread

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Assets For Life Hub

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The Commercial Conversions Hub

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The Objection Box Community

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13 contributions to Skool Community
New feature: Calendar event permissions (+ more)
Now you can set access permissions for your events, just like courses. You can make events accessible to members at a level, or members with a course. You can set a cover image to personalize your events, and specify the link/address separate from the description so it shows/hides depending on the member's access. We renamed the "Calendar" tab to "Events" because it's the events that are important, and this new UI emphasizes the events instead of empty white space. We added a cool "LIVE" indicator too! Watch this video to see how this new feature works, and let us know what you think?
New comment Aug 4
New feature: Calendar event permissions (+ more)
1 like • Jul '23
@Tyler Newman Inner Circle
Skool's roadmap — what's coming soon
Here's our roadmap. The image below shows you what's in progress and what's up next. You probably noticed we shipped many new features in the last 2-weeks. We hired some amazing talent, reorganized our teams — and our development velocity increased — significantly. Some of you were a little concerned at the rate of change. When we dug deeper, we found that lack of communication was the real issue. We learned from this and will improve moving forward. Sharing this roadmap is a way of keeping you in the loop of what's coming soon. We're super excited to share these new features with you! Internally, our team agreed, it feels like we're just getting started. Let's build this thing together 🔥
New comment Sep 23
Skool's roadmap — what's coming soon
1 like • Apr '23
@Sam Ovens @Jesse Clark any news on voice notes in chat?
2 likes • May '23
@Jesse Clark thank you!
Edit Messages (after being sent)
Sometimes, I type too fast and make too many mistakes. If we could edit messages after they had been sent, that would be amazing!
New comment Apr '23
New feature: Classroom rich text editor
Now you can use rich text editing to create course modules any way you like! Click here to see an example. (fastest way to understand the new feature). Now you can use the following: 1. Inline images 2. Headings 3. Bold, italics, strikethrough 4. Inline code and code blocks 5. Bulleted and numbered lists 6. Quote blocks 7. Links 8. Dividers 9. Description visibility Check out the example here, try it for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments. Enjoy 🎉
New comment Aug 14
New feature: Classroom rich text editor
5 likes • Apr '23
Love this 🚀
The key to community — "10 True Regulars"
To build a successful community, you don't need 1,000 fans. You need 10 true regulars. (Credit to David Spinks for this idea... It's brilliant). This may contradict what most people imagine about communities — spaces with hundreds or thousands of people actively contributing and forming relationships where everyone is engaged and involved. In reality, only a small percentage of your members will actively participate. You don't need a lot of active members to get conversations flowing; you only need the right few. When new members join your community and see dozens of new posts and hundreds of new comments every week, they won't know if all that activity is coming from ten people or 100 people. However, getting to ten true regulars is not easy. My recommendation: Start with three. Get to the point where you have three members who are coming back every day (or most days) and posting and commenting. You probably already know the three people. A lot of successful communities have the same founding story: "It was just me and a few friends in a group, and it slowly grew from there." Who are you already talking to about the topic of the community? What three people would you text first with a question? You've already validated that they're motivated. They could be your founding members. Ask them if they'd be interested in joining a small group of friends who are interested in the same topic. Once you get them together, start conversations, discuss interesting articles, and share learnings. Be yourselves, the same way you would in a private text conversation. Be weird, tell jokes, have fun. It's that kind of organic, quirky core that can spark a thriving community. Slowly invite more people, but don't invite too many at once, or you'll smother the flame. Be selective and keep curating. Once you have 3 true regulars — reward them, make them feel special, hang out with them on Zoom 1on1, meet them in-person — give them what they need so they can continue being a role model in your community.
New comment 28d ago
The key to community — "10 True Regulars"
4 likes • Apr '23
@Tyler Newman
1-10 of 13
Daniel Luke
12points to level up
Property Coach & Investment Specialist.

Active 29m ago
Joined Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
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