Bio: Alaska born at 36 moved to Big Island HI
I learned recently I am a 3/5 reflector in human design, now have YT channel to share My growing insights ☯️
Bio: Sara Watson MSN,MBA, RN who also is a Mom, Founder, Published, Mentor, Now a brand new Youtuber & Podcaster Basicly a lifelong learner, Lets connect
Bio: Natural Science Illustrator from bugs to botanicals, sacred geometry & patterns in nature. Illuminating earth's connections through art & education.
Bio: I'm an eclectic individual who likes to bring joy into the lives of others. Sharing creations and inspiring people to find what is inside themselves.
Bio: Hi there! My name is Maria and I love connecting with people who are passionate about learning. I am an astrologer, and yoga and meditation teacher.
Bio: I Manifested My Maserati in exactly 30 days by using the Law of Attraction. (With no money and owning money to creditors). If I could do it so can You
Bio: A human being who is improving daily to better myself and others, to be a decent person, sharing inspiration through music education and creation.✌️♥️