Bio: Oscar J. Starr III, acclaimed author, and storyteller, delves into mysteries and human experiences, captivating readers with his insightful narratives
Bio: Clear trauma using elemental qigong, sound healing, akashic record clearing and lifestyle skills to empower soul purpose and high levels of wellness
Bio: I am Matie Smith
published author who wrote Resilience Nourishes The Soul. Sharing valuable tips to bounce back from adversity and be resilient..
Bio: I am a master in number analysis. I specialized in personal development with a vast knowledge in various fields through my education and experiences.
Bio: I am a digital marketer my profession are focused on helping people promote their businesses in social media, SEO, content marketing, email campaigns
Bio: My passion is empowering female entrepreneurs to get found, attract their ideal clients (and the media) and grow their businesses online and offline.
Bio: Peter Ristevski is an accountant who has been innovating & challenging the business landscape with disruptive models that help businesses minimise tax
Bio: I'm a Business & Relational Leadership coach, author & TEDx speaker. I focus on evolving Mindset & Team Interpersonal Skills for Peak Performance.
Bio: Dr. Shamarah Hutchins, TheMindologist, directs mindset transformation, merging psychology expertise w/ personal success. Located in Cleveland, Ohio
Bio: Pioneer and Leader, CEO of multi-award winning Dyantyi Chartered Business Accountants; a globally recognized firm based in Cape Town, South Africa.
Bio: Sonya McKinzie is a mother to a 13 yr old, humanitarian, 20+ yr ThriveHER of domestic violence, Certified Trauma and Recovery Life Coach and author.
Bio: I am a passionate mentor, coach, and advocate for women's empowerment. I am committed to guiding women on their path to self-love, and empowerment.