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Rising Stars (Free)

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7 contributions to Rising Stars (Free)
The Attractive Character
As part of the Personal Branding System we took a deep dive into the Attractive Character. Recording will come within the next days. Thank you @Christian Wastlhuber , @Camilla Weihermann , @Frank Peralta , @Andrei Demeshev & @Kholoud Fayek for joining. What are the things that stood out to you?
New comment 9h ago
The Attractive Character
4 likes • 17h
Thank you for your insights, @Jens Heitland. And the great discussions with @Camilla Weihermann, @Kholoud Fayek , @Frank Peralta, and @Andrei Demeshev
New Masterclass in October
Hey Rising Stars Community! @Jens Heitland and I discussed the idea of me taking over one of the masterclasses. As my area of expertise is recruiting, it will focus on one of the following topics: - Insights into a data-driven recruiting process: while recruiting is not rocket science, it isn't the easiest feat either. I will show you what a simple, scalable and measurable recruiting process can look like and how you can set it up to create a flawless candidate experience - Interviewing as a Candidate: You have all been there - you are interviewing for your dream job and want to rock the interviews with your potential future employer. I will share my knowledge of how you can impress your interviewers and what you need to do to leave a long-lasting impression - Interviewing as a Hiring Manager: We are all (aspiring) leaders, which includes building up your teams. I will give a hands-on intro into how to interview your candidates so you choose the most fitting person for your team Now it's up to you! What are you most interested in? Please choose one of the topics! I'm looking forward to it!
7 members have voted
New comment 3d ago
What's the 3 books that has most influenced your personal approach to Leadership?📚
Please share your top 3 choices in a separate comment below. One book per comment = 3 Comments We will compile all the recommendations into a comprehensive reading list to share with everyone afterward. Looking forward to your suggestions!
New comment 2d ago
What's the 3 books that has most influenced your personal approach to Leadership?📚
Judith E. Glaser, Conversational Intelligence
Maurice Godelier, The Enigma of the Gift
Having a Mentor is a Game Changer
In Leadership Coaching Education, we distinguish between coaching and mentoring. In real life, however, the distinction is often much more fluid. Over the past decades, I've had various mentors and coaches, each of whom helped me tackle specific challenges at different points in time. In this video, I differentiate between a mentor and a coach. Do you have experiences having a mentor or coach who supported you on your journey? Please share what a coach or mentor helped you to overcome in the comments below.
New comment 27d ago
Having a Mentor is a Game Changer
3 likes • 28d
It seems I've had both, a mentor and a coach. The mentor broadened my skills and prepared the path I'm on now from a "technical" perspective. The coach managed to bring back my confidence in my leadership skills that were refuted by my manager back then who wanted to mold me into her micromanagement style. Funnily enough, it was her who suggested - and paid for - the coaching that achieved the complete opposite of what she expected of it. I guess that's also the potential of a good coaching - you cannot predict the outcome.
2 likes • 27d
@Jens Heitland Wow... That's an unexpected outcome indeed.
Hi everyone! I'm Christian with a rather unpronouncable Bavarian last name so I'll skip that. Being an Egyptologist by education, I stumbled into Talent Acquisition by pure chance! Luckily, this ignorance was the perfect start into my career in P&C. Rumour goes that my first boss hired me just because of my answer to his question why I would switch from Egyptology to recruiting: “It’s basically the same, the only difference is that the people I’m looking for now are still alive!” I'm a recruiter at heart with several years in leadership roles. Since March I run my own company together with my business partner and former boss. But rest assured, I'm not another headhunter! I support companies and TA (P&C) organizations in improving their processes and strategies by training, coaching and enabling them. On a more private side, I live in Munich and enjoy the outsides throughout all seasons: Hiking, cycling, skiing, beer-gardening, you name it. As my aim is to grow the business to a decent number of colleagues I'm looking for insights, support and exchange on how to transfer leadership in settled environments to more ambiguous start-up life. Feel free to reach oput to me here or on LinkedIn! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!
New comment 29d ago
3 likes • 29d
@Harijs Rozensteins 🤣 Nice to meet you too!
2 likes • 29d
@Kholoud Fayek thank you for the warm welcome! Egyptology is super interesting but nothing you can earn your bread with, at least here in Germany. But I enjoyed my travels to Egypt, especially Kairo is a city I will never forget!
1-7 of 7
Christian Wastlhuber
33points to level up
Bringing many years of professional expertise in recruiting, internationalization and hypergrowth, I have scaled up and diversified recruiting teams!

Active 8h ago
Joined Aug 16, 2024
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